Episode 37

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30 minutes back in time.


Harry crashed through through the

a distraction to Voldamort. This gave Y/N an opening to escape.

"Y/N, over here!" Harry took her hand and brought her under the cloak.

"What's going on? You were just over there."

Harry pulled out his time turner.


"Listen, I'm from 30 minutes into the future. He managed to kill you, so now we have to hurry back, or Malfoy will die."

Y/n nodded, and they went back to the present.

"Malfoy, I can take it from here! Take Y/n and go with the others!" Harry caught the wand Draco tossed to him.

Draco didn't even think. He grabbed y/n's hand and ran as fast as he could. He already knew Harry was going to win.

As soon as they got to a safe place, Draco hugged y/n as hard as he could. "I can't lose you again." He whispered.

"You won't." She hugged him back harder.


There was so much commotion and light, and then it all stopped. Harry was standing alone. He won. He killed him. The rest of the surviving students ran over to Harry and cheered. Including y/n. Everyone was picking Harry up in their arms, yelling, 'Our Hero!' Everyone, well, almost everyone. Draco began walking towards the bridge where his parents had been standing.

He didn't say anything.

Luscious brought his hand up as if he was gonna slap the boy. Draco flinched. His father hugged him instead. "I'm sorry, son." His mom hugged him too.

"It doesn't matter. No matter what I do." He turned back to where the celebration was happening. "He was meant to be the hero. Draco painfully smiled. Sad eyes.

"We must go. We will see you at home, Draco." They flew off.

Draco stood alone.

"You'll always be the chosen one to me." Y/n came behind him.

He chuckled. "Don't worry about me." He hugged her again. "I don't care about that title anymore. As long as we are together, I'll feel important.

"Then you'll feel important forever."

They kissed. And they made a vow to one another.

Huh, who knew Draco the Slytherin would fall for a know it all Ravenclaw. Different people really create the perfect balance. The end.

A/N: dude I started the cringe fan fiction in 2020 I think? I was in a huge Draco phase. Dw, he will always be my number 1 fave fictional crush. Anywho, those who have read this entire book, ur a real one bc the writing in this fic is atrocious and horrible horrible ×100. So ya..... okie dokie thx for reading lmfao.

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