Episode 24: "Come with me."

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As I left the bathroom I was furious.

"Harry!" I said walking up to him.

"Y/N-" but before he could say another word I slammed him against the wall with my wand to his throat.

"What was that for!?" I said. Having my wand still pointing at his throat

"Y/N, calm down, please." He said breathing heavily. I slowly brought my wand down.

"Care to explain?" I said backing away a bit, giving him some space. Of course still have my wand out.

"Y/N, I'm not crazy, Malfoy is up to something and not something good." Harry wasn't wrong though. Draco must be up to something. I mean he has the death mark for crying out loud.

I look down. "He's scared." I said softly.

"Do you know about his dea-"

"Shh." I didn't want anyone to hear. I nodded

"We can't tell anyone, Harry." I said to him and walked away.

After about three hours Snape approached me in the halls.

"Miss, Y/L/N, You may see Draco now." Snape said. I nodded and walked off.

I went over hospital wing and saw Draco laying on one of the beds. He was sleeping. I sighed. "I'm sorry Malfoy."

As I was about to walk out I felt an icy cold hand rap around my wrist.

"Draco, your awake." I said crouching down to his level.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thanks to Snape." He said sitting up.

"That's good, I'm glad." We both smiled at each other.

"Y/N, I have to go." He said, still holding my hand.

"Well you can't leave yet until the nur-" I was cut off. He got up and with his wand he changed instantly back into his Black suit.

"No Y/N, I have to go."

"What do you mean." I began to worry.

"I'm leaving Hogwarts for a while." He said.

"What? Why?"



He hovered over me. "Come with me."


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"I...Draco, this happening way to fast."

"If you ask me, this is happening way to slow. Be my girlfriend." His blue, grey eyes looked into mine.

I was very much in shock. Thee Draco Malfoy asked me? But I liked Draco for so long. Why not just say yes. If I like him so much, I should just be with him, right? Ugh but the stupid letter changes everything....

A/N, woahhhh sorry for the shortest chapter in history lol, but it's past mid-term, I do be doing homework doe, so around next week chapter will be longer again. Lots of love guys! ✌🏾

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