Episode 31: Trust Me

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{Time Skip: The next Morning}

I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, it wasn't even possible for me to have a straight face.

"Morning, Y/N. You look happy." Luna said from her bed.

"I guess you could say that." I chuckled.

"Who's got you in that mood?" She giggled.

"Guess." I said.

"Hmm. Draco!"

"Yeah yeah." I chuckled

"Well, that's not the first he put a smile on your face." She said getting out of bed

"No it's not." I smiled.

"Anyways, I've got to meet Neville, let's talk later?" She said putting her robe on.

"For sure." I said. She skipped off.

As I was walking down to breakfast I was pulled aside quickly. Which obviously startled me so I pulled my wand out immediately.

"Woah calm down Y/N." It was Draco.

I brought my wand down from his throat. "Oh you scared me!" I said pushing him.

"Hey you still haven't answered my question." He said taking my hand as we began to walk down the hall.

"And what is that?" I chuckled.

Draco stopped and was holding both of my hands.

"You never answered if you wanted to be my
girlfriend." He had a small smile.

"Of course I do." I said and kissed him on the lips.
It was a long passionate kiss. He pulled me close to him as he kissed me back.

"Good." He said as he smiled. "Speaking of which, let's meet up tonight at the astronomy tower." He said.

"I'll be there, Malfoy." I smiled.

"Mr. Malfoy a word." It was Snape. Draco's smile went from smiling to fear in seconds. He nodded to me and walked away with Snape. Maybe we should've been more careful.

Draco's P.O.V

"What are you doing, Mr. Malfoy" Snape said sternly. Not going to lie, it did scare me.

"Nothing." I answered.

"You remember everything." Snape said.

I just nodded.

"Mr. Malfoy, do I have to remind yo-"

"I'm not leaving her." I cut him off.

"I'm not sure if you even have a choice, your parents will-"

"I don't care anymore, Professor, please, can you keep this secret."

Snape hesitated.

"Alright. You have to be more careful. DON'T get caught, if you do, I won't be able to cover you guys."

"I promise, thank you." I hugged Snape, when my Parents weren't around Snape looked after me, even if he was forced to it still felt good someone had to care about me.

Y/N's P.O.V

I saw Draco walk out of Snape's office.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I said walking up to him.

"It's fine, we just need to be more careful."


"See you tonight?" Draco said. I nodded and he walked away.

Well, we have to act as if we hate each other, this will suck but I think I can do it.

"Hey Hermione." I said walking up to her in the hall.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"Nothing, just bored." I smiled.

"You seem chipper this morning." Hermione said concerned.

Crap I forgot 'Draco doesn't remember me.' No one can know, if this gets out to much Voldemort will find out.

"Oh I just think I shouldn't waste my time thinking about someone who doesn't remember me and who can act like a piece of sh-" I saw Draco walk from the side of the hall.

"You were saying?" Hermione asked.

"Uhm, shit, he's a piece of shit." I said.

"Oh wow, okay then." Hermione chuckled.

"Anyways does that mean you're single and ready to date other boys?" She asked.

"Hermione, even though I'm over it, I don't know if I can date other people yet."

"You're not over him, are you?"

"I am."

"I don't believe it."

"Fine! One date, but one." I said. I wasn't even going to try hard on this date. I have to go tell Draco.

"Fine you set up the date. I'll talk to you later." I said.
She nodded and I walked off.

I saw Draco talking to Blaise and Pansy. How am I supposed to talk to him if he's with his friends.

He saw me from the corner of his eye. I gave him a 'let's meet up' look, he seemed to understand and nodded.

I went to the woods close to Hagrid's house.

"Y/N?" I heard a whisper.

"Draco." I said coming out of hiding.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Hermione is getting suspicious."

"That mud-"

"Don't even say it." I said with a serious face.

He sighed. "What is granger going to do about it?"

"Well the more people know more risk we are at. Even Snape's life is at risk. So I have to go on a date with someone." I said.

"What? That's crazy, what'd you tell her?"

"Um well that's the thing, I kinda accepted because-"

"Oh great my girlfriend is going on a date with someone other than me."

"Draco, you know why I have to do this." I said grabbing his hands.

I nodded softly.

"I promise nothing will happen. Just a one time thing, but we are still on for tonight."

"I trust you, but if he lays one finger on you I will hurt him."

I rolled my eyes and cupped his cheeks. "Don't worry Malfoy. You're the one and only. I kissed him on the lips and he did the same.

"I'll see you tonight." I said kissing him on the cheek and walking away.

Sorry for the short chapter! Due to finals week I couldn't write much but hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one might be late so bare with me once more!

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