Episode 3: "You're gonna get us caught"

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After my last class, I headed back to my dorm. "Y/N, we are going to hang out in the Gryffindor common room, wanna come?" Luna asked. "Uhm, you know what, sure!" I said hesitantly but I thought it was a good idea to get my mind off things. Things or what happened In the hall with Draco earlier. Luna had already left to the Gryffindor common room, I told her I'd catch up with her I just needed to tidy up my room first.

20 minutes had past and I was on my way to the common room. I was walking down the hall and saw a tall guy, and a chubby guy, along with a girl. I ran past them so I wouldn't make eye contact with them. Finally here. "Hey Y/N!" Hermione said. "Hey guys! So what's going on?" "Oh nothing, we are just hanging out and talking about the yule ball coming up in a few months." Ron said. "Yule ball?" I asked. "Yep, it's a dance that we HAVE to attend. With a date or alone." Hermione said. "Wow." I said. "Anyway, who is your dream date, Y/N?" Luna asked. "Me? Oh, no one. Love or dating is kinda dead to me ever since what happened in the muggle world." I said. "What happened?" Harry asked. "I'd rather not talk about it. But guys let's not talk about sad things only happy things!" I said trying to change the subject. "Y/N's right, did you guys hear that a Hufflepuff and a Ravenclaw were caught doing the nasty behind the school?" Fred said. "Wait, really? I said laughing. We all ended up talking for 2 more hours until I got tired and decided to leave back to my dorm. The halls were very dark at night I couldn't see a thing. "Lumos" I said lighting up my wand. I noticed a black figure at the end of the hall but walking the other way. "Weird." I said turning around and seeing Draco I'm front of me. "AHH-" He covered my mouth with his cold hands. "Shut up. You're gonna get us caught." He let his hand down slowly away from my lips. "What the hell was that for, why did you sneak behind me?" I pushed him away a few inches. He looked serious. "I thought you were someone else, calm down, will you?" He said straightening his black suit. "Who did you think I was?" I asked. "None of your business." He said. "Whatever." I said. He grabbed my wrist. "Don't dare telling anyone you saw me here tonight." I loosened my wrist out of his cold hands and making my way back to the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hey Y/N." Luna said walking into our dorm. "Hey, Luna, what's up, what took you forever?" Oh, I was talking to Neville." She said with a soft smile. "Aww, that's cute." I said. "Well, how come you left early?" Luna asked. "Oh I just got tired, don't worry about it." I said with a fake smile. "Well alright then, goodnight Y/N." Luna said yawning and falling fast asleep.

Few hours had passed it was now 3 in the morning. All the girls were still deep asleep. I decided I would go out on a walk since I assumed all teachers were asleep. "Have you done it yet!?" I heard a voice at the end of the hall. I hid behind the wall. "No, I haven't..." "Don't be useless and get it over with NOW!" I accidentally let out a soft sneeze causing the voices to stop and look around. The voices continued after a few seconds. "Don't be pathetic, when you get it done, then we'll talk." The voices stopped and I heard footsteps coming closer to where I was. "Shit, where the hell am I suppose to hide?" I said in my head, panicking. I just hid in the shadows hoping no one would see me. I couldn't tell who it was but that was the least of my concerns. I fled up to my dorm and tried to forget what I heard.

Episode 4 will probably come out In a few hours or tomorrow, hope you enjoyed this episode!

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