Episode 17: "I want to start over."

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Aye yo kinda cheesy but oh well lmao

Last night I got little sleep, could not stop thinking about the fact I'm meeting Draco late at night even past our bedtime. "Y/N? Hello? Earth to Y/N?" Huh? Suddenly I was sucked back into reality. "Oh sorry." "Hey, Y/N, are you going to eat that?" Ron said pointing over at my food. "Go ahead," I said pushing my food to the other side of the table. After a few minutes, Luna walked over to the Gryffindor table where I was sitting. "Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?" "Uh, sure," I said getting up from the table. Of course, Hermione followed us into an empty classroom.

"Luna, Y/N, what's going on?" "Well Hermione," As Luna begins. "Y/N here is going to meet Draco at nine tonight." "What?! Are you mad?" She said turning to me. "Hey! It wasn't my idea, Luna said that Draco wanted to meet me." "And you're going to go?" Hermione said looking both and Luna and me. "Well, yeah..." "Y/N, Draco can endanger your life," Hermione adds. "No, he wouldn't do that. At least I don't think..." "Y/N, I know I told you Draco wanted to see you but now I don't think you should meet him either." Luna begins. There was a moment of silence. "I'll talk to you guys later." I exited the classroom without saying anything else. I could tell Luna and Hermione were talking about me when I left. 

As I was walking down the hall I saw Draco sitting against the wall with his head leaning on the wall. He looked miserable. Not even ten seconds later, a tall man with long blonde hair came from one of the halls. I noticed how Draco stood up quickly.

3rd person: Draco was sitting against the wall thinking about tonight and worried about his family problems and what they may think of him when- "Draco?" A tall man with long blonde hair interrupted his thoughts. Draco stood up quickly, cleaning the dust off his suit. "Oh, hello, father." "Did you get it?" "Yes...Father?" "Why do we..." Draco hesitated. "Why do we follow the dar-" "Draco! We don't talk about it here."

1st person: "Y/N what are you looking at?" "Huh?" I saw Fred and George come from behind me. "Oh hey guys, um nothing, I gotta go bye." "Hold up, hold up." Fred and George both linked arms with me so I couldn't walk away. "Aw come on you guys, let me go," I said as I struggled to unlink my arms. "Aww, we see you're stalking the baddie," Fred said winking. "No, I'm not!" I began to blush. "Guys mind your own business, please?" The twins both looked at each other and agreed. "We bet you'll score far." They began to laugh and run away before I can punch their shoulders. 

Great does the whole world know I have a thing for Draco now? 

Before I could know it, it was already 8:55 P.M.

Okay, okay, I'm going to be okay. I was standing in front of the doors of the astronomy tower. I opened the door and made my way to the balcony railings and saw the beautiful stars. "Didn't think you'd come." I turned around and saw Draco standing there across the room from me. I looked down. "Hey..." I didn't know what to say, after all our last encounter was at the Yule ball. "Why'd you want to meet?" I said as he walked towards me. Draco looked down at his feet.

"Draco?" I asked quietly. He exhaled softly. "I want to start over." "What?" "Y/N, I want to start over from when we first met on the train...please." I looked deep into his blue/grey eyes. "Yeah...I'd like that." I gave him a soft smile. He looked up at me. "Serious?" "Yes," I said in a whisper. I noticed the slightest smile on Draco's face. "So what changed your mind about me or did someone cast a spell on you?" I chuckled. "

"No, nothing like that, besides they'd have to be very clever to cast a spell on me, Draco Malfoy," Draco said as he laid both his hand on the railings. "Ha. Ha. Very funny, I could cast a spell on you right now if I wanted to." I said as I stood next to him. "You wouldn't."  "I would too." "I know you won't." He had a cocky smile. "Someones's confident." He looked down and his smile faded. "Something wrong?" "I wish I was confident." "He looked up at the stars. For a long time, it really looked like Draco seemed calm and happy. "Well, Malfoy, it's getting late, I should get back to my dorm," I said as I made my way to the door. "I'll walk you back." He said as he walked towards me. "It's late, are you sure?" "I don't get in trouble, and if I do, let's just say I have a family to get me out of it." "Oh, like your father?" "Exactly." I laughed. I never thought in a million years Draco Malfoy would be so kind and fun to talk to. 

"Goodnight, Y/N." I saw Draco's Blue eyes, they were so bright, I just got trapped in them. "Y/N?" "Hm? Oh sorry, goodnight, Malfoy," I said as I tried to close the door but before I could Draco put his hand in between the doors. "Where's the goodnight kiss?" My heart stopped. "What?" He chuckled a bit. "That's bold." I laughed. "Night Malfoy." I kissed him on his cheek and closed the door. 

Wow, what a night...

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