Episode 22: "Sincerely, Ethan"

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Y/N's P.O.V

While walking into breakfast I was hoping to see Draco but there was no sign of him. Oh no, not again. I really needed to talk to him.
And for my bad luck all Draco's friends were out except the one and only Pansy. Wonderful.

"Parkinson?" I said tapping her shoulder.

"What do you want, as you can see Draco isn't with me." She rolled her eyes at me.

"I can see that, then I assume you haven't seen him all day have you?" I asked.

"No, but I saw him pack his bags yesterday, I don't know why though." She said.

"Thanks anyway." I said turning away.

Well that did somewhat help. I didn't want to invade anyone's privacy but f*ck it. I went over to Draco's room.

There were pictures of him and his parents at a huge mansion. Well he is rich. On his desk there was a book and a quill with ink in the side. I was tempted to look inside. That's to far though. I left as there was nothing to prove where he was. What if he left Hogwarts for good? He always talk trash on the school and teachers...

Draco's P.O.V

"You have a granddaughter?!" My parents said in unison.

"Yes, yes I do. Draco here is earning her trust little by little. Soon enough she'll have the death mark." Voldemort said grinning.

"Now that everyone knows everything, Draco is excused."

"Head back to your room darling." My mother said.

I nodded and went up stairs to my bedroom.

I sighed. "What am I doing?" I covered my eyes with my hands. "Make Y/N fall in love with me. Not as hard as I thought." I changed out of my robe and changed into my black suit.

Twenty minute later

"Draco?" There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said as my mother walked in.

"Dinner is ready." She smiled and walked off.

Y/N's P.O.V

I don't want to sound clingy but where the hell did Draco run off to?

I went up to my dorm to just hang out, there was nothing to do. Not long before an owl came in, I got a note.

Dear Y/N, long time no talk, how are you...I just wanted to see you. Your mother said you were off in camp somewhere. Boy, California is no fun anymore without you. I just want to say sorry if I ever hurt you and that we should hang out again.

Sincerely, Ethan

Um what?! "Hey Y/N!" Luna said startling me.

"Oh hey! What's up?" I asked as I hid the letter under my pillow.

"Well tomorrow night Fred and George planned a party." Luna sounded excited.

"What kind of Party?" I asked. I was a bit interested. I hope there is alcohol. Anything to get my mind off this stupid f*ckin letter and Draco.

"Well, I know we usually like spending this time studying and tasting but it's a type of party muggles like to call a "festa."  Pansy snuck in alcohol and we are going to play all sort of fun games."

"You know what? I'm in."

Draco's P.O.V

"Well Draco I've truly enjoyed my time spending it with you and you're family but I'm off to other meetings, after all we need all the help we can get. Goodbye Draco." Voldemort said as he hugged me.

I nodded as he began talking with my parents by the door.

I started to pack my bags. I was leaving tomorrow evening after all. "I'm trying to make Y/N fall in love with me yet at the same time I'm not allowed feel anything. I don't...but if I don't, why did I tell her how I'm actually feeling?" I thought to myself. "Maybe I'm just trying to make her feel bad for me..." Whats going on with me. I put my hands over my eyes and plopped on my bed, back first. She doesn't even know where I am. Maybe I should've told her.

{Time Skip: Next Evening}

"Draco! Time to go." My mother said as she walked into my room.

I sighed. "Why can't you come too?" I hugged my mother.

"Draco...I have to stay here in case Volda-" I cut her off.

"Why do we even side with him?"

"Draco not now, if your father hears, he will get mad." My mother said frowning. I loved my mother more than anything in this world. The last thing I want is my father getting physical with her because the decisions of my actions.

"Draco, time to go." My father said walking in.

I nodded and we were off.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Are you ready to go?" Luna asked.

I've never seen this side of Luna before. She was wearing a dress that went above her knees. Her hair down and straighten. Instead of a Ravenclaw dork she looked like a popular girl you'd see in a movie.

"Wow, you look so pretty, um yeah, I just need to get ready." I smiled. And yes, I did stall a bit.

"Alright, see you down at the Gryffindor common room!" She said as she closed the door.

I was planning on wearing some sweats and T but looks like a festa is more of a crazy party? Oh well, I'll just see what I can cut up from my clothes. Heh.

As I was looking for clothes Draco came back to my mind.  The question struck me again. What are we? He's gone at the moment. Or forever. I don't even know but he didn't even tell me.

I cleared my mind again and found some cute shorts I could wear. Along with a tank top. Pretty basic. I decided to let my hair down. Yes this was it.

Scroll to see your outfit (sorry if you don't like it 🤪)

(Pretty basic and cute 😌)

(Pretty basic and cute 😌)

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