Episode 18: "Well, what makes you think he's changed!"

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I woke up the next morning feeling like I was on cloud nine. I just had the biggest smile on my face and it wouldn't even fade. "You're feeling chipper this morning." I saw Luna walk in with a tray of food. "Well...Yeah." I said with a big smile on my face. "So how did it go? I imagine it went better than you thought it would?" I nodded happily. "Tell me everything." Luna sat the tray down on the nightstand and at the end of my bed. She seemed so invested in it.

I told her what happened which took around thirty minutes or so. "That's wonderful, Y/N! Are you going to tell Hermione?" Luna added "Oh." I didn't think about telling Hermione anything, After all, Draco did say really rude things to her. "Y/N?" "Huh?" "So..." "I don't know...Please don't tell her anything, I need to think about this."

"Alright, anyways I'm going down to breakfast, don't worry I won't say a word to anyone." She motioned, closing a zipper across across her lips.

As I was walking out of the common room I saw Draco down the hall, he wasn't alone though.

"Why are you so distanced lately! You never talk to us, or even me! What is up with you?!?" I heard yelling coming out of Pansy's mouth. Maybe I shouldn't get involved. Or should I? No.

I walked to breakfast and saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Now all I can do is pray that Hermione can read me.

"Hey Y/N." Harry said as I sat down. "Heyyy guysss." Uh oh. Was that already to happy? I noticed from the corner of my eye, Hermione giving me a, 'what are you up to?' Kinda look. "Uhhh, so Hermione how are your classes going?" "Very good, you?" "I'm doing great....good." I had trouble speaking. Not gonna lie. "Y/N, can we speak for a minute?" Hermione asked. I began to sweat. Before I could answer my prayers had been answered, "Actually Hermione, is it okay if I speak to Y/N for a bit, it's urgent." Harry asked. "Fine." Hermione said as she began to read her book.

"So...what's this about Harry?" I asked as we entered a empty classroom. "Okay, you can't tell anyone, I'm telling you this because...just listen..." Harry was silent for a moment. "Harry just tell me." I began to get worried. Maybe talking to Hermione may have been playing it safer.

"I had a dream..."

"A dream?"

"More like a vision."

I stayed silent.

"It just keeps getting worse...Last night you were in it."

"What happened?"

"You were in the ground crying about something Then I can't see anything it's like it's blurry almost..."

"Crying? A death?"

"Not a death but more of a loss."

"Harry, listen, maybe it was a njghtmar-"

"No!" Harry cut me off

"Harry please, I'll be fine, we need to worry about Voldemort."

"Okay...." I gave Harry a hug and we walked back got the Great Halls. By the time we got back to the great halls. Hermione was already gone. She probably got distracted with something else. Thank the lord.

After breakfast all classes were canceled which was amazing, giving me some time for myself or maybe I could have room for someone else...

"Hey Y/N." I saw Draco walk up beside me as I walk walking to the library. "Hey Malfoy, what bring you here, talking to me?" I chuckled. "Pathetic, I'm a Malfoy, I do what I want." "Damn, someone is cocky." I laughed. "What are you doing tonight?" Draco asked. To be honest the question caught me with surprised. "I don't know, nothing, why?" "Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight at eight." "Yeah, okay, I'm down, see ya tonight, Malfoy." I gave him a smile and walked off.

I just smiled as I walked into the library I was stopped by Hermione.

"You seem happy." Hermione said.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I tried not to act any different.

"Y/N, do you think I'm stupid?"


"Y/N, I know."


"I know you and Draco are friends or something."

"Hermione, I didn't wanna tell you because if the things he's done in the pa-"

"Well, what makes you think he's changed!" She cut me off. I saw a tear roll down her cheek

I didn't know what to say. Draco has done damage to Hermione.

"Hermione, I promise Draco won't ever hurt you or anyone. He's changing in a good way..." I sounded stupid.

"Y/N, I'll always be there for you but if you cry from Draco, I don't...Just be careful. Okay?"

"Promise." I gave her a soft smile and we made up and gave each other a hug. We talked for a bit then she had to go.

Good, I have the hard stuff outta the way. Or do I? Either way it doesn't matter. Draco and I are hanging out tonight.

Sorry for the short chapter, just been busy with school! <3

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