Episode 6: "I was chosen"

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It was the first day of detention. I was pretty much dreading it. I woke up later than usual which showed I was not ready to face the fact I had to spend 3 hours with Draco Malfoy. "Y/N, wake up!" Luna said tugging at my arm. "ughh" I said in a tired voice. "What's wrong?" She asked. I forgot I didn't tell Luna anything about me getting into detention. Honestly, I was ashamed, a Ravenclaw shouldn't be in detention, I should be the head of my class... "Um, I just have a test today which I'm nervous about..." I lied. "Oh well, you have big knowledge, Y/N, you will do great!" She said with a big smile. It comforted me a bit but I still lied, I'm not the one to lie but I was ashamed. "Get up for class or we'll be late," Luna said putting her robe on. She left five minutes before me. I got ready fast and was out the door. Before walking into the classroom I saw Draco entering the same time as me, we made eye contact for around three seconds before he walked in first. I was caught off guard for a split second until Hermione called my name bringing me back to reality. "Y/N! Over here, I saved you and Luna a spot." She said with a soft smile. "Thanks!" We began doing our work for 2 hours which seemed to only last 2 minutes. "Bye, Y/N, see ya at dinner!" Hermione said walking out with Luna. "Bye..." I smiled but dropped as soon as everyone left. It was time. Detention was about to start.

I walked to the Library as slow as I could so I can save some time to myself before going through literal hell. I saw Draco talking to Pansy down the hall towards the Library. I decided to just walk as fast as I could to pass them so I wouldn't make any eye contact. 

I made it to the library and began stacking some of the books on a cart that were left on a table. The whole library was empty until the doors swung open. I saw Draco walk in. He began walking towards me with his hand in his pockets. "Y/N right?" he asked. "Yeah..." I said uneasily, looking down at my shoes. "Well, if we clean up this whole bloody place as soon as we can, this can be over." He said walking over to a bookshelf. "Malfoy, this whole giant library will take us exactly 2 weeks. This place is huge." I said. "I'm afraid that is certain." He said in an annoyed facial expression. "Well, I guess we can agree on something." I chuckled. He looked up at me from the book he was dusting off. I looked away as fast as I could so it wouldn't be weird. That made it weirder. "Out of all the times I've gotten detention with someone, not once a Ravenclaw." He said walking towards me. "Yeah, I'm shocked too." Still looking down at the book, trying not to make eye contact with him.

 I walked to the other side of the aisle dusting the books on the shelves. It was just a bit weird that none of us were talking. "Malfoy?" I said looking away from my book to him. "I hope you know that what I saw in the hall that one day, with your father-" He cut me off. "Yes, I know you won't tell anyone, I already told you what I'd do if you did that." He said. "Jeez, I took your word for it, I was just going to say you don't have to worry. I won't say anything. It's not my business after all." I looked back down at the book. It was a few seconds of silence..."Thank you." He said in a whisper. I looked at him and we made eye contact. But this time I felt like it was a sincere 'Thank you'. 

3 hours later: Draco left real quick without a goodbye. Well, I guess it doesn't matter. After all, we aren't friends. Although he was headed upstairs to the astronomy tower. "Weird." I saw harry coming towards me. "Hey Y/N are you alright?!" He said out of breath. "I'm fine what's wrong?" I said worriedly. "Don't worry about it, I just have a bit of anxiety, just go to your dorm, Snapes going to check the halls soon." He said. "Um, ok? I'll see you tomorrow Harry." I said walking into the Ravenclaw common room. He smiled at me and ran. "What was that?"

3rd Person: Harry ran to the astronomy tower seeing Dumbledore standing there, clueless in a way. "Harry you have to go now," Dumbledor said. "But..." Harry ran under the floor to still see what was going on up high. Draco walked in pointing his want at Dumbledor. "Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine, spring evening?" Dumbledor said calmy. "Who else is here, I heard you talking," Draco said. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Draco, you are no assassin." Dumbledore had a sincere look. "How do you know what I am?! I've done things that would shock you!" Draco was tearing up a bit. "Forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart couldn't really be in them." Dumbledore knew Draco was not this type of person deep down. "He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco revealed his death mark to Dumbledor. Draco yelled, "Expelliarmus!" Chucking the wand out of Dumbledor's hand. Bellatrix and the other death eaters walked in. Including Snape. Dumbledor looked at Snape. "Please...." Snape took his wand out and yelled, "Avada Kedavra!" In a flash, Dumbledor was knocked over by the rail in the tower causing him to fall off the tower.

1st Person: I woke up sweating and felt fear inside me. I changed into my regular clothes and right as I walked out of the common room I saw Harry crying. "Harry what's wrong?!" I said as he hugged me tightly. "He...he trusted him!" Harry yelled as he pushed me away a few inches. "Harry, what's going on?" I asked. "Snape...Snape killed Dumbledore..." Harry said in a whisper, breaking down into tears again. I hugged him and brought him back to the Gryffindor common room where he eventually fell asleep. I made my way back to my common room but before entering I saw Draco Down the hall. He was leaning against the wall. I was going towards him until something or someone seemed to get his attention and he fled. I went back to my room and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. Dumbledor was.....dead.

Hello, so For the dialogue of the big Draco/Dumbledore scene that happened in the movie. I didn't add all dialogue because I don't own it. :))

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