Episode 7: "Thank you...I mean it"

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It was the next morning and I hadn't gotten any sleep because the image of Dumbledor dying was in my head but how worse could it be for Harry since he was there to witness it. I went down to breakfast seeing Draco looking down at his food, not speaking to anyone. I sat at the with Hermione and Ron. "Where's Harry?" I asked the two. "He needed some time alone," Ron said with a worried look. "Don't worry, he's with Hagrid," Hermione said. It made us all feel better that he was with someone we could trust and knew he would be fine.

I left early because I had detention once again. When I walked in I heard crying. "Hello, whos there?" I saw Draco appear. "Some soft boy was crying, I made him leave though." He said turning to stack the book that was on the floor. I could notice a tear on the side of his face. "Draco?" I asked, walking towards him. "What?" He said, not making eye contact with me. "Are you okay?" putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked down and said, "Why wouldn't I be?" Swinging my hand off his shoulder. "Last night I saw you in the hall," I said softly. "So? That doesn't mean anything, just couldn't sleep at night, is there a problem?" He said looking at me. "No, I suppose not." I walked to the other side of the aisle to avoid any weirdness. "Y/N, I'm going to use the restroom, be back in a bit." He walked out of the room with his head down. I really don't like to snoop but maybe I could help him. Ugh no, he doesn't want me in his business. I sighed. There was a weird feeling in my stomach, in my gut. I feel like I needed to help him. For some reason, I cared for him.

I followed close behind him but not close enough for him to see or hear me. He ran to the bathroom and I even followed him there. He broke down into tears. "Why me? Why did this have to happen, I don't want to hurt anyone." He was crying. Draco Malfoy was in tears. I didn't know what to do. I've never seen this side of him. I walked out of the bathroom. I made my way to the Library.

Around ten minutes later Draco walked in. "Hey, what took so long?" I asked. "I uh, was talking to some people in the bathroom." He said looking away. We continued to clean for another hour. "Draco, we have been cleaning for two hours straight let's sit down somewhere and take a break." He looked at me without saying anything and made his way to a table and sat. I sat right next to him. "There are hundreds of other tables around, you couldn't sit in any of them but here?" He said. "Oh come on, I bet there are worst things going on than me sitting with you," I said. He looked down at his hands. He began fidgeting with the rings on his right hand. None of us said anything for a solid two minutes until he spoke. "Have you done anything so bad that makes you think you don't deserve to live?" He looked at me and I looked at him. "Many times..." I said looking away from him. "Why do you ask?" I looked back at him. "No reason..." he said while looking down at his hands. "Malfoy, I know we don't get along that well but if there's something you wanna tell me then tell me," I said looking straight at his Blue, grey eyes. He looked down. "How am I suppose to trust a filthy mudblood?!" He raised his voice a bit. "Why do you say things like that?! What's your problem? I'm trying to help you! You have no right to call me or anyone that!" I grabbed my stuff and before closing the door I said, "And I'm a half-blood."

I went to my dorm. I slammed my door shut and sat on my bed. "My goodness, what's wrong, Y/N?" Luna said. "Oh, sorry Luna, I thought you were in class," I said in a guilty voice. "No worries, I was just writing to my late family member." She said with a soft smile. I decided I need to distract myself. But how? "So, who's this family member of yours?" I asked Luna hoping this would distract me a bit. "Oh you wouldn't know him, but he's a Hufflepuff, and unfortunately was expelled from Hogwarts but I don't know why, he is a very nice man," Luna said, paying her attention to the creature in the palm of her hand. "A Hufflepuff who didn't graduate Hogwarts, that's a new one. Well Luna, I need to go, I'll talk to you later!" I said with a smile. "Bye, Y/N, see you at dinner." Still paying her attention to the small creature.

I saw Draco down the hall talking to Pansy. While making my way down I was stopped by her. "So you're the mudblood aren't you," She said with a chuckle. "I looked at Draco. He didn't react in any way. "What's wrong Malfoy, does your life suck so bad you have to be telling lies about a person who has detention with you?" His eyes seem to tear a bit but he had an angry expression. Almost seemed as if he remembered something terrible he did. He left me and Pansy standing in the hallway alone. I walked off following Draco.

I followed him to an empty classroom. "Malfoy!" he turned back to me. "What's up with you? What did you do?" He looked at me and broke down in tears. He fell to his knees and leaned against the wall sitting on the floor. I made my way to him and sat next to him. "I'm weak." He said. I didn't know what else to say. Draco Malfoy just cried in front of me without hiding it. "Is it your father?" I asked. He didn't say anything. "I have to go, don't tell anyone what happened to today." He left the classroom, leaving me alone in shock.

I went down to dinner and this time sat at the Ravenclaw table, of course, Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined me and Luna. Everyone was talking and I just sat in silence. "Earth to Y/N!" Hermione shouted a bit. "Hm?" I said looking back at them. "You have been quit for a while, something bothering you?" Harry said. "No...just things going back at home." I lied. I wasn't hungry but I still ate to not seem suspicious and said goodbye to my friends and left.

Before leaving the great hall I was stopped by Cedric. "Hey Y/N!" Cedric hugged me. "Hey Ced, what's up!" I said with a fake smile. "Nothing much, but the Yule Ball is next month, and just saying we should go together." He said with a flirty smile. I smiled at him and said, "You know Cedric, I'm not the one to really party much but I'll go because you convinced me with your face." I said as a joke. I left after I decided to accept the invitation with Cedric.

I got to my dorm and was mad but sad at the same time. "Why won't he open up a little?" I said out loud to myself. "Forget about trying to help him, he's a bully!" I turned around seeing Draco at my door. I was speechless. He looked down at his shoes. "Listen, Y/N, I'm....I'm..." Seemed like he had trouble taking words out of his mouth. "What is it Malfoy?" I said. He signed. "I'm sorry I called you a mudblood, that's all goodbye." He said about to close the door before I stopped him. "Hey, hey, you can't just walk out like that.." I paused for a moment before saying. "Thank you...I mean it." I said looking directly into his blue eyes." He didn't say anything else and left.

Ok, ok, I'm trying to write this story in a realistic Draco Malfoy but at this point F*** it, they will have their big moment soon.....

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