Episode 2: "you're very clumsy"

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I woke up the next day bright and early which isn't usual but I felt like I needed to "be more responsible" I never was though. "Good morning Y/N!" Luna said yawning and stretching on her bed. "Morning!" I said. "Well, that's a surprise you're up at this time." Luna said. "Believe me, I am too. I'm gonna spare some time and study down in the library." "Did you study for the Exam we have in positions today?" Luna said. "Nope, but that's why I'm going to study." But it's in an hour." "Oh don't be so negative, Luna, see ya In class!" I said closing the door behind me. I noticed down the hall Draco with a group of boys, one tall, one a bit chubby, one a bit buff and tall. I walked past them as fast as I could, trying not to make eye contact. "Ughh, I'm so pathetic, I shouldn't be scared of them," I said In my head. I continued to the library seeing Harry and Hermione there. "Hey guys!" "Hey Y/N!" "Ok guys, I have a weird question but please answer me." "Okay?..." they said uneasily. "Who's Draco Malfoy?" They looked at each other before answering. "He's such a-" "He thinks he's all th-" "Bully" "that" they said different things at the same time. "Woah guys, one a time." Hermione began, "Malfoy is one of the worse people you'll ever meet, he is so unconsidered of others feeling, he even called me a 'filthy mudblood'" "That horrible, I'm so sorry." I said. Harry started, "He made fun of my parent's death and thinks the whole world revolves around him and him only." "Oh. That's really low, I'm sorry that happened to you guys." "Y/N?" Harry and Hermione said in unison. "Hm?" "Why are you asking about Malfoy?" They said in unison. "Well, I've been here for 4 years and never really saw him before." "Hm, ok then." We went to Potions class and I sat in the back hoping not to get called for any questions. Few minutes had past and the boy walked in. Not just any boy. A blonde boy that has a name, the name is Draco Malfoy. He came up to my desk. "Can I help you?" I said. "Well, you're in my spot, get up." He said. "Excuse me?" I said in a scoff. "You heard me, you Ravenclaws should be somewhere In the front and being a know-it-all like you guys usually are." "Well, I'm sorry but I think I'll stay here." I said with a small cocky smile on my face. "Fine, have it your way then." He sat on the other side of the room with the same tall guy and some girl. That's new. "Weird, I haven't seen that girl before either." I said in my head.

2 hours later: "Y/N!" 2 redhead boys said in unison. "Fred, George! How are you guys?" "Very bloody good." They said in unison again. "Well, that great to hear, sorry boys but I really do have to get to my next class, talk to you guys later?" "Count on it!" They said while running off. I ran down the hall and you guessed it, I ran straight Into Malfoy. I fell to the ground dropping all my books. "You're very clumsy." Draco said grabbing my wrist firmly bringing my face close to his. "Sorry about that, I was In a hurry and wasn't watching where I was going-" I said. "Oh yeah?" He said getting close to my face. "Ya.." I said nervously. "Watch where you're going," he said whispering in my ear. "One day you'll kill someone." He said with a stern voice and a serious face, letting go of my wrist and dropping/pushing me back to the ground. He walked off. "What the hell? What was that." I said under my breath. Still sitting on the floor. I picked up my books that were still laying on the floor and went off to class. Thinking about the topic of the class and nothing else. Right?

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