Episode 14: "- leave the Slytherin house alone, will ya?"

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The library doors opened and Draco walked in with Pansy. I looked at them for a second and turned my head away and continue cleaning. What is Pansy doing here? ''Y/N, I'm going to take off for a while." Draco left with Pansy without saying another word. Are you kidding me? What a complete Jerk. I was cleaning for all three hours alone. Where the hell did Draco go? 

It was around 8 P.M and I was packing up my stuff and Draco walked in. I walked up to him without hesitation. "Hey! Where the hell were you? I cleaned all three hours without help. "Y/N, I was out with Pansy, I needed a break." "You could've taken her out when we were finished, or you were too eager to see Pansy?" "Of course not, now out of my way." Before Draco walked out of the library I stopped him. "Is this because of what happened in class?" Draco turned around and walked up to me. "Why would you think that?" I didn't say anything. He just walked out.

I don't get it. Some days we are like talking to each other. Some days I feel like we are so close and others he just is a jerk. Why do I have to like the guy? I wish our hearts can decide who we like. 

I walked to my dorm and just sat on my bed. I was miserable and for what? Luna and Hermione walked in. "What are you doing?" They said closing the door behind them. "I'm laying in bed, what else does it look like." I said muffling in my pillow. I pulled my face from my pillow and saw that Luna and Hermione were looking at each other. "Is everything okay, Y/N?" Hermione said. "Yes, now it is, I'm going to forget about Malfoy once and for all."

 "Well tomorrow is the yule ball" Luna said opening her trunk. "Tomorrow!?" "Yep." Hermione said sitting on Luna's bed. "You know what this is great, I'm going with Cedric and we're going to have a blast." "I'm going with Harry." Hermione said. "Harry?" Luna said looking up from her trunk. "Well, Ron doesn't have the balls to ask me so I'm going with my best friend." She said smiling. "Well that's great!" I said looking through my closet.

"Oh no." I said closing my closet door. "What?" Luna and Hermione said in unsion. "I don't have a dress for tomorrow." "Oh that's okay us two don't have one either, we can go down and shop for dresses later today." Hermione said smiling. "It's a deal" Hermione, Luna, and I hung out in the dorms until it was six P.M.

"Hey, Y/N, weren't you and Blaise supposed to go out to dinner a few days ago." Hermione asked. "Well we had to re-schedule but I don't know if I want to go." The girls laughed. "Y/N, don't worry about it!" We got ready and went down to Hogmeade to go shopping for dresses.

Hermione, Luna, and I entered a store and began looking for dresses. "Which one should I get?" Luna said skimming through some dresses on the rack. "Hm, get a blue one!" "Okay!" Hermione went over to the prink dresses and skimmed over. "How about this one." Hermione said, pulling out a beautiful pink dress out of the rack. "That's perfect!" Luna and I said in unsion. 

I went over to the other side of the store to look for more dresses. Through the glass I saw Pansy across th street in another store, looked like she was looking for a yule ball dress. I decided to just ignore. Wait if she's looking for a dress is she going with Draco? Forget it about it, Y/N! I said in my head. 

I kept on looking through dress and found one that caughed my eye. This one is perfect. I bought my dress before Luna and Hermione could see it. I wanted it to be a surprise that no one could forget, not even Draco Malfoy. 

I went down to detention. Wow last day of detention. Seemed like every other day. I walked in and already saw Draco cleaning. I just walked passed him. "Where's the hello?" Draco said as he stopped dusting the books. "Excuse me? You ditch me for three hours to hang out with Pansy while I cleaned all alone and you ask for a hello?" "Yes. I'm asking for a hello. Besides you seem jealous." "No, I'm not! I don't care you went out with Pansy, I just wished you helped me clean, that's all." 

"So, Y/N, are you going to admit you like me yet." Draco said walking up to me but with no eye contact. I chuckled. "I don't like you." I said turning to the shelf. "Well, better tell me sooner or later, it's the last day of detention." I was crushed a bit when he said that. 'The last day of detention' I couldn't let see that it effected me. "Yeah and?" "And you'll mostly, never see me a lot anymore." "Isn't that better?" "Ouch." "Besides you can talk to Pansy whenever you want now." Aw, Y/Ns jealous." "Shut up, Malfoy, go to your side and clean, and leave me be." To be honest I didn't want him to leave, I wanted him to keep 'bothering' me. 

Three hours later: Pansy walked in and flirted with Draco. He flirted back. Which hurt. "See ya around, Y/L/N." Draco said as Pansy and Draco walked out. Holding hands. I walked out and found Blaise talking to some Slythrin dude by a classroom. I grabbed blaise by the tie and brought him over to a different hallway.

"Oh hey, Y/N, waht's up?" Blaise said in a grin. "Cut the crap, are Pansy and Draco dating?" "Wait what? Why do you care?" "I...I don't, but Blaise just tell me, and don't tell anyone I asked you." "Alright, Alright find, yes. Pansy and Draco are official." I felt a knot in my stomach. "Thank you, Blaise." I walked away without saying anything else. 

I was feeling down and didn't even hide it because in the hall Cedric walked up to me. "What the hell did Malfoy do now?" "Hm? Oh hey Cedric. It's fine, I just need to forget about it." "Well, Y/N, let go out." "Now?" "Yeah, it only 7:47 P.M" "I don't know, Cedric." "Hey look at me." Cedric stopped walked looked at me in the hall. "Y/N, don't malfoy ruin your day or fun, I'll take you out, I'll even buy us some food." "Okay, you convinced." I said smiling. Cedric was a good friend and this is exactly what I needed.

Cedric and I walked down to Hogmead and our first stop was food. "You were right Ced, food really does make you feel better." He chuckled. "Thanks again Cedric." "It's no problem." He said with a smile. "So any lucky girls in your life." "Well, there's a few." He said chuckling. "I can't tell if that's a joke or you are being serious." I said laughing. "No, no, I like Cho-Chang and just a tiny but you." "I'm flattered you like me just a tiny bit." I said as a joke. "Well, Cedric, Cho-Chang does like you, she tells me and Luna a lot, however she likes Harry too. But you have a better chance with her." I said with a wink. I took a sip from my butterbeer and through the window I saw Draco and Pansy walking together down the street. My smile went away almost instantly.

"What's the matter, Y/N?" Cedric turned his head and saw. "Why does Malfoy have to be everywhere I am?" I said chugging my butterbeer. "It's okay, Y/N, do you wanna head back?" "No, no, it's okay Cedric, let's stay I just won't think about them." "You sure?" "Yes." I said smiling. Cedric and I finished dinner and decided to walk around hogsmead. "You excited 'bout the ball tomorrow?" Cedric asked as he walked beside me. "Yeah, I'm so excited!" "What color dress did you get?" "You'll see it tomorrow!" We walked about for another hour before we decided to head back. 

"Thanks again Cedric, I'll see you tomorrow." We both parted ways as we entered the castle. He offered to walk me to my common room but it was already so late and didn't want Cedric to get in trouble. 

I was walking down the dark hall as I saw two figures at the end. I heard talking. I decided to just go the other way but when I turned around I saw Draco. "What the hell?!" I was startled. "Oh, you're not Pansy." "Draco! Why do you always do that?" I walked away before he could answer. "Y/N, you going to admit it yet?" "Draco..." I stopped. "Why do you care?" He didn't say anything. Before I know it Pansy walked up to us. "Oh, Y/N is it?" I looked at her then to Draco. "Excuse me." I said walking away. 

I heard footsteps behind me. "Listen here, Y/L/N, leave the Slytherin house alone, will ya?" Pansy said in face. "Gladly." I walked away. I was so angry. Why the hell does Draco have to be with her. Forget about Malfoy, Y/N. 

I walked to my dorm and slept. I didn't have to worry about Luna asking me anything, she was already sleeping. Now all I have to worry about is the ball tomorrow night. 

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