Episode 12: "Always. Every day, every hour."

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"Um, Y/N, the door is locked from the outside," Draco said tugging at the door. I chuckled. "You're joking." "Does it look like I'm joking?" "Ok...do you have your wand on you?" I said walking towards him. "No. I left it back at my dorm. You?" "I left mine in my dorm too." "Wonderful." He looked annoyed. "I'm sorry, this is my fault..." "Yes, it is. " He said sitting against the wall. I just looked at him. I sat next time him. "Well, I guess there's nothing else to do but wait till someone figures out we're missing," I said looking at him. "Perhaps they'll realize you're gone." He began fidgeting with his rings. 

I sighed. "Malfoy, when I was wandering in the halls and I found you, what were you doing up at midnight?" "I was just thinking. Crabbe and Goyle never give me privacy even though I have my own room." Thinking? What could he be thinking about? "Sorry I got you stuck you stuck here with me..." I said softly. He looked t me. "It's better being here than taking more of Pansy's crap." "Ah, Malfoy's got girl problems." "No, I'm not pathetic, Pansy was just a one-time thing." 

"I don't buy it," I said with a small chuckle. "You wanna see me mad, don't you?" Draco said, sitting up straight. "You don't scare me, plus I can take you on any day," I said with a smirk. "A Ravenclaw wanting to fight, that's the first." I looked at him and looked back down at my lap. It was quiet for a few seconds until I looked back up and I saw his cheek. It was bruised.

"Malfoy?" "Hm?" He said turning his head to me. "What happened to your cheek?" Draco looked down at his lap, not saying anything. "Everyone gets bruises, it's normal." He said while putting his hand on it. "It was your father, wasn't it?" He sighed. "I see why you're in Ravenclaw now, they guess right." "Why do you let me hit you?" I said turning to him. "I deserved it." I felt pain and sadness for him. 

I wanted to change the subject. "So, what's your favorite part of the castle?" He turned to me. "Why do you want to know." "Oh, come on Malfoy, we're stuck here, might as well have a decent conversation. He hesitated. "The astronomy tower or...the room of requirements." He said looking down at his lap. "I have never been to those places before. I've always wanted to though." I said. "The tower is beautiful at night," Draco said. I had a small smile on my face. "Maybe one of these nights I'll sneak out to see it for myself." 

I sighed. "I never could find the room of requirements, I've tried though,"  I said to Draco. Draco turned to me, "It's quiet and interesting." There was a moment of silence. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how come...you bully people?" We both looked at each other. "It's simple, I put them in their place, my father has always taught me that I'm superior to most of these pathetic kids here at school, and he's right." He scoffed.

"Oh, Malfoy, I don't get you," I said looking away. "No one does." I looked back at him. "Malfoy if you didn't already know, I've tried to understand why you're like that, why are you so closed with yourself and everyone else?" "I...I don't know either." Draco looked down. "It's okay." I smiled at him. "So you and Diggory, huh?" He said looking at me. "What? No, differently not, he's just my friend, why?" "No reason." He said in a chuckle. "Nuh-uh, I bet you you think a Ravenclaw couldn't find love," I said laughing. He chuckled. "So, you and Pansy are actually a one-time thing?" "Why, you interested in me or something, Y/L/N?" He said chuckling. "In your dreams Malfoy." I laughed. Wow, I'm on Draco's fun/happy side. 

"You know, I haven't laughed or had fun in years," Draco said turning to me. "Really? Not even at quidditch games or when Harry gets in trouble?" I said the second one as a joke. But he laughed. "No, not even when Pottah gets in trouble, which rarely happens even though he breaks a thousand rules. Compared to me. I break one and I get in trouble badly with the school staff. Just cause he's the 'chosen one'" His happy smile faded into sadness. "Are you always being compared to Harry?" I said to Draco. "Always. Every day, every hour." "I'm sorry, I didn't know that." "Yeah well, no one does, not even my mother, but everything is different, I'm finally chosen to do something important." I looked at him.

"What's that?" "I-" He stopped. "I can't tell you." He sighed. "It's alright, I understand," I said with a smile. "You know, Y/L/N, you would fit in quite nicely in Slytherin." I smiled at him. "I think I would but I was put in my house for a reason." "Sometimes I don't get the sorting hat," Draco said standing up. "Me either." I chuckled. The door started to open and Hermione, Harry, and Ron walked in. "Bloody hell, how long have you two been stuck in here," Ron said walking in with the other two. "A while," I said laughing. Draco looked at me and walked out without saying anything. I watched him walk out. I felt happy but sad because I would love to spend more time with him but it's over, the times over.

"Y/N, what were you and Malfoy doing in here? Alone." Harry said walking up to me. "Oh come on Harry, it's not like that, I was making a lot of noise and Draco brought me in here so that I wouldn't wake the teachers, and the door somehow locked from the outside," I said walking towards the door. "Don't be dirty-minded, Harry." I winked at him as I walked out, leaving the three alone. 

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