Episode 13: "You like me don't you?"

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I was walking toward the Ravenclaw common room and saw Blaise outside the door. He was just standing there, as if he was waiting for something or someone. "Um, hey, can I help you?" I said walking up to him. "Oh, yeah, you're Y/N, right?" "Yeah?" "Well, Y/N, I actually was here to ask you out to dinner." What? I don't even know the guy that much and he's asking me out? What if this was a way of getting Draco jealous. Oh snap out of it, he doesn't like me. Or I can just be friends with Blaise nothing else. "Sure why not." "Perfect, I'll come pick you up tonight around seven." "It's a deal." Blaise left and I just went to my room.

"Hey, Y/N, where were you last night?" Luna was just sitting on her bed reading. "Hey, Luna, I slept over at Hermione's" I said making my way to my bed. "Y/N, I saw you talking to Draco last night." Shi* was I caught? No, just deny it. "Um, no I wasn't Luna." I chuckled. "Y/N. Who do you think was the one who locked the door?" She smiled. I was shocked. "Luna, you did that!?" "Y/N, I know you have detention with Malfoy, I know you like him, no one told me. I can just tell the way you look at him." I stayed silence. "Y/N,  you have no reason to be ashamed." "I...wow, you caught on real fast...you really do belong in this house." I chuckled.

"Luna, I'm sorry I lied to you." "It's alright, I forgive you besides, it's hard to keep anything from me." She laughed. Luna got off her bed and walked to the window. "What are you doing?" I said from my bed. "Oh I'm expecting a letter from the owl." "From who?" "From my late family member, of course!"

 An owl flew in with a letter, handing it to Luna. "Cool, what's it say?" Luna cleared her throat. "Dear Luna, one of these days you can come down to my home and meet the creatures I was talking about. P.S how's the trunk working out for your little creatures, -N.S" "N.S?" "Oh that's his innitals." Luna said closing the letter. "What's it stand for?" "Newt, Newt Scamander." Luna and I talked about little creatures and Newt after a while we went to class. 

I walked into class and saw Blaise and Draco sitting in the back. I couldn't help but look at Draco. "Hey, Y/N!" Cedric said walking in. "Hey Ced...I actually need to tell you something." Cedic and I walked out of the classroom for a bit. "What's up?" "Blaise asked me to dinner and I said yes, which now I realize was really stupid." "Just tell him that you're not interested anymore." "See, I would but he is always around Draco and I can't go up to him and say 'hey I'm not interested anymore in going out with you because I like your best friends, Draco, but thank you, you seem nice.' and walk away."  "your into Malfoy still?" "Yes.." I covered my face with my hands. Cedric grabbed my hands and brought them down.

"Hey don't worry about Mafoy." Cedric smiled. "You're right, oh and we still on for the yule ball." "Yep!" Cedric and I walked back in class and we sat together in the front. A few minutes later professor Slughorn walked in. 

"Good moring class!" "Good morning." Most of the class said in unison. "Today we will be trying something new. Do any of you guys know what amortenia is?" Hermione instantly raised her hand. She is the the Gryffindor know-it-all after all. She explained it to the class that whatever or whoever you smell is what or who attracts you. "Alright class we will attempt to make this potion in each group there will be five and when we are finished one volunteer will come on up and tell everyone what they smell. I was paired in a group with Cedric, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. 

"Alright so who is going to go up and smell?" All four of them looked at me. I chuckled. "What? Hermione, you?" "I already did it for the demonstration, Y/N" She said chuckling. "Wait, you guys aren't thinking of choosing me, right?" "Well of course we are." Ron said taking out food from his backpack. "You guys are crazy, you know who's in our class right?" "Yep, that's why we're doing this." Hermione said in a grin. "Screw you guys." I took out my potions book and all of us got to work.

An hour and half later: We finally finished making our potion, Harry and Hermione did most of the work, not going to lie. But it was time. "Hey Hermione, when I smell the potion can I lie?" "Y/N, when you smell a potion that powerful you can't and will not be able to lie. It's impossible." "Great, I'm screwed." 

"Okay! First up, Neville Longbottom!" Slughorn announced. There were some giggles and people teasing from the Slytherin group. Neville walked up to the potion and smelled it. "I...I uh smell strawberries and lavender." Wow exactly how Luna smells like, shes always spraying her lavender perfume in our dorm. Luna was smiling so much. She most definitely was on cloud nine. "Ah, next up Y/N, Y/L/N!" Slughorn announced next. I felt a pit in my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up. "Go on, Miss, Y/N." Cedric said in a comforting smile. 

I got up in front of the class and smelled it. "I...I...I uh...I..." It was so hard to stop me from speaking. I tried everything to keep my mouth shut but couldn't. "I smell, green apples and...mint, mint from toothpaste or just regular mint." I walked back to my desk and didn't say anything to anyone. Now...Time for detention.

I was walking to the library and when turning into the hall I was pushed against the wall. "Ma...Ma...Malfoy?" He was close to me, six inches or so. "Repeat what you smelled." "What?" I said quietly. "Repeat what you smelled in class." 'I...I...I uh, I smelled-" "You smelled me." Draco said getting an inch closer to my face. "You like me don't you?" Draco said lifting his eye brows a bit. "What? No, you're crazy." I chuckled pushing him away an inch or two. "You think I'm stupid don't you, Y/N?" "No! I never said that." "Then admit it." "Why do you care?!" I pushed him away enough for me to have room to walk away. 

I walked into the library. Oh no. He knows now. I can't f*cking admit though. He can't have the higher ground. I heard the library doors open and saw Draco walk in, but not alone...

The Blonde Bully [Draco X Reader] 15+Where stories live. Discover now