Episode 5: "The library"

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I had headed back to my dorm before my last class for a power nap because last night I could not sleep. The image of Draco flew around my mind all night so it was the best thing I could do to relax a bit. "Hey, Luna," I said in a tired voice. "Hey Y/N, you look extremely tired," Luna said a bit worried. It was pretty obvious I was tired since I had bags under my eyes. "Just taking a small nap before Snape's class," I said while getting into the sheets of my bed. "Oh, you have Snape today?" Luna asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Well, students are saying he is in a terrible mood today, even you being a second late can cause you detention for the next 2 weeks," She informed me. "Ah, don't worry I'll make sure I don't take too long of a nap." I chuckled. "Well, see ya later, Y/N, good luck!" She said with a smile walking out the door. 

1 hour later: "Shi*, I'm going to be late for class!" I put my robe on and grabbed my wand. "I'm so stupid," I said in my mind. The class was going to start in 2 minutes. I noticed Draco walking fast beside me, not making eye contact and it seemed like he acted as if I didn't exist. "Oh come Y/N snap out of it, get to class fast," I said in my mind trying to forget about Draco. I walked into the classroom first, then Draco. "Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Malfoy, you're late," Snape said in his deep voice. "Sorry professor, I had a matter to take care of in one of my other classes," Draco said in a calm voice. Snape looked away from him and brought his eyes to me, "What's your excuse, Miss, Y/L/N?" Snape asked. He was so intimidating I could not lie, that's not really how I was taught by my mother and father. "I... uh... I... um...I was... " I couldn't think of a stupid excuse and I was there standing there like an idiot. "That settles it, you two chose the wrong day to come late to my class, detention, two weeks both of you," Snape said turning his back on us. My jaw dropped. Are you kidding, I have detention?! I've never had detention. "Good Job, look what you did," Draco said turning to me. Although it was pretty obvious he was lying about the matter he had to take care of in his other class. Maybe he did have a matter to take care of but with who and for what? I decided not to say anything to him, maybe if I made an excuse, Snape wouldn't have given us detention. 

2 hours later: Class was over and everyone was getting up and ready to leave until I heard Snape call mine and Draco's name. "Miss Y/L/N, Mr, Malfoy, since you two will have detention you get to choose which one. Cleaning the whole Library, cleaning up after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or clean up all classes in the school, no wands or magic allowed." I was shocked. Draco and I looked at each other. "Well?" Snape said, "All three will make you regret coming late so just choose one." Snape added. I decided I would just decide for both of us since Draco wasn't saying anything. "The Library." Draco and I said in unison. "Very well, you guys will start tomorrow," Snape said, excusing us. Draco and I walked different ways once we stepped out of the classroom. I looked at him as he walked off. Two weeks, three hours alone with Malfoy doing nothing but cleaning a filthy library, what do I have to lose?   

I walked to lunch and sat at the Gryffindor table next to Harry and with Hermione and Ron across the table from me and Harry. I sighed. "What wrong Y/N?" Harry asked. "Oh nothing, just got to Snape's class late and receiving detention," I said in a happy sarcastic tone. "Oh, that really sucks," Ron said while eating his food. "Oh, you think that sucks, guess who I have detention with?" I said. "Who?" Hermione asked. "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." dropping my head to the table. "Oh shi*," Harry said. "Yeah, the same reaction in a way. Well, guys, I'm going to sleep early so I can at least try to stan Malfoy," I said getting up from the table. Harry caught up to me and said, "Listen if Malfoy does anything weird, don't be afraid to call any of us three." He said with a smile. I hugged him goodbye and said thanks. While walking out the door I noticed a Hufflepuff making their way to me. "Cedric!"I said with a big smile. "Hey Y/N, long time no talk!" Cedric was always my friend we had a few classes last year and became good buds. We talked for a few minutes and I left. 

Luna walked in reading a letter and giggling. "Hey, Luna, what's that?" I said looking at the envelope. "Oh, it from one of my late family members, we always talk about magical creatures, he is very kind and gentle with them." She said. "Well that's nice," I said with a smile.  "We both care a lot about these creatures and fear that people won't see them 'good' and we just want what's best for them." She said taking one of the small creatures out of a trunk. "Isn't that dangerous leaving them there," I said. "No, it's a special trunk," she said smiling at the creature. Huh, that was cool learning more about Luna's interests but I do have things I need to think about. I laid in bed thinking, how am I supposed to survive being alone with Draco Malfoy tomorrow.....

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