Episode 35:

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WAIT! Before you began I wanted to let you know that in two weeks, my new Dramione Fanfiction will be on my account (Also it won't be cringy as this one lol), so check it out! Enjoy the chapter!

"Where were you?" Luna asked.

"Oh hey, Luna," There was no point in hiding my detention now. "I kind of have detention now." I said.

Luna frowned. "Oh, I'm so sorry, anyways you got a letter." Luna handed me a letter addressed to my name.

"Who's it from?" Luna asked.

"I don't know, I'll have to open it later, I have to get to class."

"Very well, see you around, Y/N." Luna skipped off.

As soon as Luna was out of sight I opened the letter.

"Dear Miss, Riddle, The Lord wants you to come to the Manor this weekend. A quick meeting and some tasks. You will be spending the night this weekend so bring a change of clothes. We look forward to seeing you.

-The Malfoys"

I sighed. I shoved the letter in my pocket and began to walk to class and across from me was Draco. He was talking to Pansy and Blaise.

"How come you aren't coming this weekend?" Pansy whined.

"I've already told you. I'm busy." Draco rolled his eyes at her.

"Busy? With what?" Pansy asked.

I made eye contact with him for a split second. I acted as if I wasn't listening in on what was going on.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, darling." From the corner of my eye, Draco kissed Pansy. "See you next week." Draco got up and began to walk. He walked passed me. Bumping my shoulder with his. It was as if he when he saw me he decided to play nice with her.

I need to talk to Snape about this whole thing.

"Hello, Professor." I greeted him as I walked into his class.

"Miss, Y/L/N, what can I do for you?" Snape asked.

I gulped. "About Drac-"

"Miss, Y/L/N, may I remind you that-"

"I know." I cut him off. "But, he needs to know, please."

"There would be no point of hiding you two if he knew. Until this whole issue is over you and Mr. Malfoy can do whatever you want-"

"What issue?! Voldemort is on the wrong side! How could you do this?" I went off on Snape.

"That's enough. Don't be late to the Manor this weekend." Snape walked out of the class. Leaving me alone in my own despair. Harry has to do something.

{The Weekend}

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going-" I cut myself off. "Malfoy Manor." I whispered.

"What!?" Hermione shouted.

"Sh!" I shushed her. "While I'm away you and Harry need to figure out a plan. Since I'll be at the Manor, I'll know the plans and everything, I can report back to you guys." I said. To be honest I'm making this plan up as we go.

"That sounds brilliant," Hermione said.

"Anyways...Wish me luck."

"With Malfoy?" Hermione scoffed.

I gave her a serious look.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Hermione said. "Be careful." Hermione gave me a hug and I was off.

The Blonde Bully [Draco X Reader] 15+Where stories live. Discover now