Episode 15: " I f*cking like you Malfoy"

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It was the day of the ball. I woke up real early before Luna woke up. I felt excited but nervous also a bit anxious. I was so excited to go with Cedric and have fun with my friends, however, I know I was going to see the one person that I can't get out of my head. "Morning, Y/N," Luna said yawning on her bed. "Morning, Luna," I said while putting on my robe. "Y/N, why so up early?" Luna said as she got up from her bed. "Oh, you know me, when I'm nervous about something I like to wake up early and just, you know, get mentally ready before I have a breakdown." "Oh, Y/N, don't worry about anything, the ball will be fun." 

I walked into the great hall for breakfast and this time my eyes did not shift to the Slytherin table. Wow, what a shocker. "Hey, Y/N' Hermione said while patting the seat next to her, motioning me to sit there. "Hey, guys, what's up?" I said sitting down. "Nothing much but the ball is tonight, howboutthat?" Fred and Geroge said in unison. "Yeah, it sure is," I said a bit uneasy. "Is something wrong?" Hermione whispered. "No, everything is fine," I said whispering back to her. The great hall doors opened once more and a blonde-haired bully walked in. I turned over and made eye contact with Draco. "Hey guys I have to go, I'll see you guys tonight at the ball." I walked out of the hall and was being followed.

"Hey, Y/n!" I walked faster down the hall before this person grabbed my arm and stopped me. "What?" It was Cedric. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you," I said covering my face. "No, don't worry about it, it's okay, but, you did you think I was?" I mumbled, "Draco..." "What?" Cedric said looking down at me. I mumbled again, "Draco..." "Y/N, I can't understand you," Cedric said observing my lips. I said loudly finally. "Draco!" I covered my mouth because I realized I was a bit too loud. Luckily no one was around.

"Awh, Y/N, stop doing this to yourself, just pretend he doesn't exist." "Easy for you to say. It's not like Cho is rude to you and is a whore." "Whoa calm down, Y/N." "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm just a bit anxious, I should calm down and just think about all the fun we are going to have at the ball." I said smiling.

I decided to skip my classes for the day and just have a break day and think about the ball. I took a nap and by the time I woke up, Luna was already doing her hair in the bathroom. "Luna? What time is it?" "It's 5:30 P.M." "5:30!" I yelled as I got out of bed. "Y/N, the ball starts in an hour." "Yeah, I'm aware!" I ran to my closet and got my dress out. "Y/N, calm down, we have plenty of time." "Sorry, Luna, I'm just so nervous." "You nervous about seeing Cedric...or Draco?" "Don't ask ridiculous questions. Of course not for Draco nor Cedric...I just hope I look good..." I lied. I did my hair and makeup and it was time to get into my dress.

"Y/N! You coming?!" Luna said from downstairs. "Yeah! I'll catch up with you in a bit, I'll head down in a sec!" I said yelling from our dorm. I was adding finishing touches to my hair and make-up and was on my way to the dance. With each step I took closer to the room, I got more butterflies, more and more. I stopped right before I entered the room.  "Now or never."

I walked into the room......

Scroll to see your dress :)

I walked into the ball as if I owned the place

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I walked into the ball as if I owned the place. I walked over to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Cedric. "Hey, guys!" Harry's and Cedric's mouth dropped to the floor. Cedric took my hand. "Wow, Y/N, you look amazing." "Thanks, Cedric, you too," I said smiling. I couldn't tell if Draco was in the room. I was hoping so hard that he saw me. "Shall we dance," Cedric said pulling me to the dance floor. "Well, you leave me no choice." I chuckled. We began dancing to happy and upbeat music. After about forty-five minutes the upbeat music changed to a nice soft song...

Recommendation: Watch/hear the song, before/or while reading so you can have that feeling :)

I rested my head on Cedric as the music started but while glancing around the ballroom I saw Draco slow dancing with Pansy. She had her head rested on his shoulder. I felt a pit in my stomach. I tried to ignore him but it was hard, he was right there with another girl. I kept tripping on Cedric's shoes by accident. "You okay?" Cedric said looking down at me. "Yeah, I'm okay, sorry just a bit distracted," I said with a fake smile. I kept looking at Draco then away but the second time I looked back he looked at me. We made eye contact for ten seconds. (Imagine looking at him while 10 second of the song plays :) But it felt like an eternity. I couldn't do this. After the song ended I told Cedric I needed to cool off and I walked into the hall. "It's okay, Y/N, calm down, you're fine." I kept telling myself in my head. I was thinking until the footsteps of someone stopped my thinking. 

"Hello?"I said walking closer to the direction of the sound. I saw Draco walkout from aside of the hall. "What do you want, Malfoy?" "Did I scare you off the dance floor?" "Shut up Malfoy, I just needed to cool off, any problem?" "Yeah there is, you still keep lying to me, you won't admit anything." I broke out. "Okay, Malfoy you want me to admit? Okay fine. I f*cking like you Malfoy, there I said it, goodbye now." I was walking off until Draco grabbed my arm. He brought me close to him. He grabbed my cheek with his cold hand and it seemed like he was going to lean in for something but he just separated us and he walked off. 

What just happened? Did I just say that? Did Draco almost kiss me? 

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