Episode 28: "OBLIVIATE!"

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As Voldemort spoke everyone including Draco and I stood up and walked over to the living room. He held my hand.

"Y/N, bring out your left arm." Voldemort said walking towards me. I stepped away from Draco.

I looked at Draco for comfort but he didn't even look back. He was scared. I know he was. As Voldemort pointed his wand at my inner forearm...

"Draco, Draco, Draco, I could tell you tried." Voldemort said. What his he up to?

"Huh?" I was confused. Draco looked up in confusion.

Voldemort walked away from me and towards Draco. What's going on?

"Draco, you're a threat." Voldemort said calmly.

"Hey, he's my son." Lucias said. The first time he defended Draco.

"Lucias, Lucias, you see Draco seemed to fall in love. It's a risk we can't take."

"What are you going to do? Kill him?" Lucias asked.

No. Draco can't die. We made it this far. I can't lose him.

"No. I'm not going to kill Draco. Simply...

OBLIVIATE!" Voldemort pointed his wand at Draco. He...no... Draco fell to his knees and tried running to him but was stopped by his aunt.

"Not so fast little girl." She giggled.

"LET ME GO!!!" I said struggling trying to get out of her grip.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I just cried. Is he going to remember me? Us?

"Don't worry my child-" Voldemort was cut off

"I'm NOT your child...did you erase all of his memories?" I asked.

"No. Of course not, just you." He smiled.

"Send her back to Hogwarts, we'll finish the ceremony when things are back on track. Draco will go back tomorrow. Don't give him any ideas." Voldemort said.

And in a snap I was back at Hogwarts. Oh no. Draco! I was just laying in the grounds of Hogwarts. He...won't remember me. Draco... I just cried... I feel helpless. He's gone. I'm gone from his head. What am I going to do. Voldemort was onto us. "THAT BASTERD!" I yelled.

"Y/N? Where have you been?" It was Harry and Hermione.

I just collapsed out of exhaustion. The last things I heard was both of them calling my name. Until my eyes went pitch black.

"Y/N, Y/N, wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes. It was...no it couldn't be.


"Of course, who else would I be-"

I just hugged him.

"Oh Draco, I had the worst dream that-" I said as I back out of the hug it was Hermione and Harry.

"Y/N...are you..."

"You aren't Draco..." I'm going mental.

"Y/N what happened?" Harry asked.

"He doesn't remember me."

"Who doesn't?" Hermione asked.

"Draco." I said looking down.

"Can you tell was happened?" Harry asked.


"What?!?" Harry and Hermione said unison.

"He...he erased Draco's memories."

"I'll be back. Hermione stay with Y/N." Harry walked out. I was so tired I couldn't even stop him from doing whatever he was going to do.

The Blonde Bully [Draco X Reader] 15+Where stories live. Discover now