Episode 11: "He stayed?"

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I walked over to where Draco had been sitting. "Draco?..." I bent down to reach his level. "What?" He quickly wiped his eyes and stood up. "Draco, stop. You can't keep doing this to yourself." I said standing up with him. "Why not? If I have been doing it most of my life." His blue eyes were tearing up. "You feel safer with your mother than anyone else, right?" He looked down. "Doesn't matter, she left and won't be back for a while." "Draco..." I touched his arm. It's like he couldn't take it anymore. He looked at me. I just leaned in with a hug. He even hugged me back. Wow.

I heard him cry. "Hey, it's okay to feel like that," I said softly. He didn't respond, he just kept crying. (Ok but like Imagine the cry from where Draco Cried in the half blood prince in the bathroom scene) After a few minutes, he fell out of the hug and went stack books. I looked at him as he walked to the shelf. He's going through something. I don't know what to do. A few minutes later I heard the library doors open. It was Cedric. 

"Hey, Y/N!" Cedric said, making his way towards me. "Hey, Ced, what's up, how'd you find me here?" I said walking towards him. "Well, Ron said you have detention with Malfoy in the library." "Ugh Ron, sorry, I didn't want anyone knowing, just don't tell anyone else I have detention please," I said with a smile. "Well, I talked to McGonagal and she said you can have an hour break since you two have been making this place spotless, so I'm here to steal you for a bit." He said with a smile. I noticed Draco looking back at us.

I look back at Draco. "Oh Cedric I'd love to but I-" I thought for a moment. Draco is messing around with Pansy, I have nothing to do with him. "I...you know what sure!" Cedric and I left the library leaving Draco alone. We went down to Hogsmede to grab some food and hang out. But I wasn't feeling okay. 

"Is everything ok, Y/N?" Cedric asked. "Yeah, I'm ok. Well, no, not really. Cedric, I need to tell you something." I needed to tell him to not create any illusions about us. "Okay Cedric, so I need to tell you this before anything else happens, I...I uh...I have a thing...for Draco Malfoy." "Really? Wow." He said. "I know it's strange, but I do." "Well, I'm happy for you, and if that never happens between you guys, I'm always here." He said smiling. "Thanks, Ced, well I better head back." Cedric walked me back to the library. "Thanks again for understanding, I'll see you around!" "Bye!" Cedric said running off.

I walked into the library and saw Draco. We made eye contact as I walked in. "Hey Draco, are we going yet?" I saw Pansy walk out from behind the shelf. I looked at her and back at him. "Well, Y/N, I'll see you later," Draco said as he walked out the door with Pansy. He looked back at me before walking out the door completely. I guess I deserved it. I left him alone when I went with Cedric.

I went to the Gryffindor dorm after detention and went to talk to Harry and Hermione. "Hey, Y/N, what's up?" Harry said walking up to me. "I'm okay I guess." "You guess?" Hermione said walking up to me too. I sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it," I said walking past them, making my way to the sofa. Harry and Hermione looked at each other not knowing what to do.

 "What? I came here to hang out with you guys to forget about my stupid small problems." Hermione sat beside me. "Ok. Y/N, what small problem do you have." I looked away from her. "Oh come on Hermione-" Draco?" She said cutting me off. "Yes, Draco!" 

I covered my face with my hands. Harry was just in the background. "You can go, Harry," I said in a chuckle. I bet it was weird for him since we were talking about Draco and recently they almost killed each other. "Thank you." He walked out of the common room.

"Oh, Y/N, you're still hung up on Draco?" "It's not like I want to be." "I guess you're right, our hearts decide who we love/like..." Hermione said. "Ugh Hermione, I just want detention to be over, so I don't have to see Malfoy anymore." Hermione and I talked for a few hours. Not to lie we did drink a bit. 

I walked out of the Gryffindor common room. I was completely drunk...just a bit. I kept on losing my balance two or three times and walked down the hall. I saw a figure standing there. "Hey you, it's past bedtime hours, go to sleep," I said in a happy/drunk tone. The figure turned around. It was Draco. I choked on my own saliva. Did not expect him.

"Y/N?" Draco said. "Oh, will you look at that? It's Draco Malfoy!" I said in a loud tone. "Shhh" He covered my mouth with his cold hands. I mumbled, "Your hands are so cold, including your rings." I started laughing. What was wrong with me, I wasn't that drunk, or was I? Draco took me to an empty classroom and sat me down at a desk. 

"Y/N, did you drink today?" Draco said closing the door. "Maybe a bit," I  said walking towards him and almost fell before he caught me. "Shi*, Y/N, you drank a lot." He said while standing me up again. "No, not even-" I fell to the ground fainting." Few hours had passed by and I woke up laying down on a black suit jacket. I grunted. "Ow, my head," I said while rubbing the back of my head. I had woken up in the classroom Draco took me to. I looked over at the door and saw Draco sleeping against the wall. He stayed? I walked over to him and nudged him a bit on his shoulder, trying to wake up. "AH, avad-" Draco said waking up, frightfully, I cut him off before he could finish those words. "Draco?" "Oh, my apologies." "Draco Malfoy got scared." I chuckled "Shut up." He said standing up. 

"Draco, listen, I'm so sorry I...-" I was so embarrassed. He looked down. "It alright, why were you drinking late at night?" He said looking back up to me. What was I supposed to say?  'Oh Draco, I drank because I like you a lot and I'm jealous when I see you with Pansy. No! I can't and will not say that. "Um, sorta weird night," I said looking down. "Luckily I was here to take you here so you wouldn't get us more detention or even get yourself expelled." He said with a small chuckle. I had a small smile on my face. We were making our way to the door until... "Um, Y/N, the door is locked from the outside." 

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