Episode 8: "not once for me..."

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The next day I went to all my classes as usual and of course detention. "Hey Y/N, where you going?" Luna asked as I was walking down the hall. "Oh, just going for a stroll," I said with a nervous/fake smile. "Well, have fun Y/N, I'll see you later!" She said while skipping off. I walked into the Library for detention and saw Draco sitting against the shelf on the ground, drinking. 

"Malfoy?" I said walking closer to him. "What is it now?" He said taking another sip from the cup in his hand. "Why are you drinking, what if the professors walk in, they will give us more detention," I said standing in front of him. "Why does it matter?" He said taking another small sip. I sat beside him. "Trying to forget your troubles?" I said looking into his eyes. He looked back at me. "What do you think?" He said pouring him another small shot. "Come on, Malfoy we need to clean up the Library," I said tugging at his arm a bit. "Just use your wand, the teachers won't know." He said while fidgeting with his rings. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking." I looked deep into his blue eyes. 

I knew something happened within the week, but what? "Doesn't matter" He said. I could tell he was tearing up. "It doesn't matter, I'll probably leave this pathetic school in a few months anyway," Draco said while tossing his glass against the floor causing it to shatter. "Why do you say that?" I said softly. "Is it your father?" "Of course not, he- he's bringing me more opportunities, more than this school will ever give me." He said looking down at his hands. "That's not true, I see the way your father treats you-" I was cut off by Draco. "He does what's best for me, so I know where I'm weak..." "I bet Dumbl-... I mean the other professors will help you and bring more opportunities for you than you think." "That won't happen, all they do is bring more opportunities for Pottah and his two friends, not once for me..." He said tearing up again.

"Well, I think we are done here, I need to go." He said standing up and fixing up his black suit with his wand. "But, we didn't clean at all today," I said standing up with him. He put his wand out and made three hours' worth of cleaning, clean. "Just for today." He said and walked out the doors. I looked at him as he walked off. 

On my way to dinner, I was greeted by Fred and George. "Hello, Y/N!" They said in unison. "Hey guys what's up?" I said smiling at them. "Oh, nothing but Ron and is whining about how he didn't eat enough food at dinner, every night," George said. "Anyways, Y/N, we have a question for you?" They said in unison again. "Ask away!" "What's the deal with Malfoy?" Fred said with a grin. "What, what do you mean!?" I shouted a bit. "Woah, calm down, we meant in detention, what the deal with him in detention?" They both asked. "Oh, that, yeah, I'm not really sure, but he's honestly not that bad to be stuck in detention with, to be honest," I said with a small smile. 

Honestly, I was in relief, I almost thought they thought something else. We three talked for a few minutes more before I headed into dinner and saw Draco looking up at me. We both made eye contact before he brought his head down looking miserable again.

 I sat at the Ravenclaw table and of course, Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined. "Hey Y/N how's detention with Malfoy?" Ron asked a bit loudly. "Shhh, someone can hear you," I said softly. "Why, what's wrong with someone hearing that?" Hermione asked. Crap, I don't want them to know I was ashamed of being a Ravenclaw getting detention. "I uh, don't wanna get Luna worried," I said looking down. "Well that's nice of you I guess..." I think Hermione was catching on a bit. Of course, she was the smart one out of the three. Dinner ended after an hour and a half I went to my dorm and laid in my bed but couldn't sleep. "Wow, Draco Malfoy isn't as bad as everyone says he is..." 

Episode 9 will most likely come out on Monday or Wednesday due to Finals week, I hope you're enjoying this story so far!!!

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