Episode 9: "It's a fling"

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I was laying on my bed thinking about my conversation with Draco until Hermione walked in. "Hey Y/N, what gives?" She said looking a little frustrated. "What do you mean?" As I sat up on my bed. "You have been acting nothing but weird ever since you and Mafloy started to have detention together." She said walking closer to me. I looked down. "Y/N, what's up with you and Malfoy?" She said.

 "Nothing, I mean I don't know," I sighed. "I've been feeling things lately but I'm so confused," I said while burying my face in my hands. Hermione sat on my bed. "Y/N, are you starting to feel something for Draco?" She said while taking my hands out of my face. "I- I don't- I don't know..." I said looking at her without breaking eye contact. "Y/N, you like Draco Malfoy." She said standing up. "What? No- No I don't!" I said standing up with her. 

"Yes, you do!" She looked a bit concerned. "Oh-my-...... Hermione! I like Malfoy!" I said looking so worried. "How? He's awful!" Hermione said. "Hermione, Malfoy isn't too bad as people say." "Are you mad!? He called me a-" "Yes, yes I know and that is not cool of him at all, but somethings going on in his life-changing him." "You?" Hermione asked. "No, something bad, Hermione please don't tell anyone!" 

Hermione left after we talked for an hour. When she left I had time to process everything in my head. "Oh my goodness, I like Draco Malfoy, this can't be." I went to my charms class and sat with Cedric in the front. I turned my back and saw Draco walk in with Pansy, they sat together in the back and were just talking. I couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy. I looked away before I went crazy.

 "Y/N you good, you've been looking at the back of the class for five minutes now," Cedric said tugging at my arm a bit. "Oh, sorry, I was just zoned-out, don't worry about it," I said with a fake smile. Which made Cedric smile too. "So...the yule ball is next week, you excited?" Cedric asked. "Oh yeah, very much, dancing with friends and eating food," I said with a real smile. Class ended after two hours class ended and I have headed to the library once again for detention.

I was walking to the library and I noticed two people standing next to the doors of the library. It was Draco and Pansy. They were making out. I felt a sadness creep up on me. I saw as he grabbed her neck with his cold pale hands and them kissing. No, I'm not going to hide, just tell them to move so I can go to the library. As I walked closer to them I felt even more sadness and awkwardness. "Excuse me," I said to them not making any eye contact. They stopped and Pansy left without saying anything. 

Draco walked into the library and started to dust off all the dust on the bookshelves. "So...you and Pansy now?" I said while dusting the books beside him. He turned his head ever so lightly and moving his eyes to me. "It's a fling." He said while turning away. The image of Draco and Pansy just went in circles in my head. My eyes were tearing up I went to the next aisle and said nothing. I couldn't have him see me like this. 

I heard him grunt after ten minutes of cleaning. He walked to the near table and sat. I saw him rub his chest. I walked up to him. "You okay?" I looked a bit concerned. "Just a bruise..." I could tell there was the smallest bloodstain. "Malfoy, there's blood..." He covered it with his hand. "It's nothing." He said looking away. "Draco, were you in a wand fight earlier?" I said sitting down next to him. "It's not like I asked for it." He said standing up. I stood up with him at the same time. "With who?" I said softly. "Why don't you go ask you Pottah Friend?" He said looking angry. He walked away from me and he began stacking books that were left on the tables.

Harry? Why would he do anything like that? I'll have to ask him later. Draco and I cleaned for two hours, mostly not talking but in the middle, I saw Snape walk in. He walked to Draco and took him out in the hall. 

3rd Person: Snape walked into the library to find Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, a word." Snape and Draco went out in the hall to discuss a matter. "Why did you fight Potter in the bathroom?" Snape said in his slow intimating voice. "I didn't ask for it, he walked in while I needed to be alone..." Draco was explaining to Snape. "Potter could have killed you, then who would your father have killed. Me" Snape said to Draco. "Sorry." "Draco, go change your shirt there's still blood." Snape handed him another white dress shirt. Snape left without saying another word.

Draco walked into the library looking more miserable than ever. He had a new clean, white dress shirt in his right hand. I saw him as he took his vest off then his tie, then his white dress shirt that had the bloodstain. It was so awkward but there was a scar on Draco's chest, I just stared at him. He put on his new, clean dress shirt and then put his vest on, then his tie. "What are you staring at?" Draco said while he strained his tie. "Nothing, I uh- Harry did that?" I asked walking up to him. "Yes." He turned away from me and began putting the books on the shelves. 

After another hour, detention was over for the day and Draco walked up to me. "Y/N don't tell anyone about this matter. Nor the matter with Pansy." He walked away. Great I was reminded of Pansy. Wonderful. Just what I needed. And to top that I needed to talk to Harry.

I walked to dinner and sat at the Gryffindor table. I sat across Harry giving him a serious look. "What wrong, Y/N?" He said. "Harry, can we talk in private?" I said standing up. "Uh, sure." He followed me out of the great hall into a small classroom. 

"Harry. Did you or did you not almost kill Malfoy?" I said closing the door. "What? I- I did but he's doing bad things." Harry said sitting on a desk. "What did he do?" I said walking up to him. "It's best if I don't say anything." "You're right it's none of my business., sorry Harry but please don't hurt anyone else who isn't causing you physical pain." "'Y/N?" Yeah, Harry?" "Why do you care if I hurt Malfoy?" Oh no, I can't tell Harry I'm starting to feel something for Malfoy, that will put him in rage, that's his enemy after all. "I uh I don't like violence even if that person is rude..." "Since when do you not like violence, you and Ron always arm wrestle." "That was before..." I wasn't the best lier but at least it's good enough for Harry to believe. 

I left the classroom and Harry headed back to the Great Halls . I saw Malfoy sitting against the wall with his head/face buried in his knees. I decided to just head back with Harry, I'm getting way into Draco's business and besides he has a thing with Pansy or what he calls a fling....

Before walking into room I heard crying, crying from Draco. "I can't do this anymore." I heard him say as he cried. No. No, leave him alone, he will get high hopes for you for no reason. I held back the urge of going to talk to him. I walked into the Great halls. But I was't perfectly fine. 

"Hey, Y/N!" Luna said skipping up to me. "Hey, Luna!" "Y/N, you look terribly worried, something wrong?" Luna said as she examined my face. "I just have a bad feeling about something, don't worry about it though." I said with a fake smile. "Y/N, do you not know me?" "Huh?" "Y/N, something wrong and you need to tell me if you me to help you." Luna said with a soft smile. "Thanks Luna, but really, I think I have to do this on my own." I said smiling at her. "Well, I tried, let me know if I can help you in any way." She skipped off. I couldn't take it anymore I ran into the hall to see Draco.

He wasn't alone this time. "Very well Draco, you made me very proud." I heard a man with a deep voice say. Of course, that's his father. It felt wrong to hide behind the wall and eavesdrop on someone's conversation. I needed to go. I ran to my dorm and decided to just cool off and take a bath.

3rd person: "Very well Draco, you made me very proud." Lucias said. "Thank you, father, where's mother." The boy asked his father hoping his mother would be there. "Your mother will come down tomorrow to see you. For now hide out here." Lucias said about to walk off. "Father wait." Draco said stopping his father. "What is it now, Draco?" he said turning back to the boy. "Do I-do....do I have to leave Hogwarts ever?" Draco asked, feeling nervous of course. "What kind of stupid question is that. Of course not, you don't get to stay, clear?" Lucias giving him that look. "Yes, father." Lucas left in a heartbeat. 

Next episode coming out this weekend or next week! -C.R

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