Episode 21: The Lost Last Name

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Draco's P.O.V

After I walked Y/N back to her common room I was stopped but not by anyone. Cedric Diggory. Great.

"What are are Planning ferret?" Cedric said in a serious tone.

"F*ck off, Diggory, none of your business." I said walking away before he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey , I'm taking to you!"

"Indeed you are, go bother someone else before I kill you (so sorry for my Cedirc fans) ." I walked away but this time Diggory didn't stop me. Good.

As I walked into my room I was startled. I saw my mother and father standing there, waiting for me.

"Now, now Draco, our lord asked us to tell you that this weekend we have a meeting." My father said.

"About?" I asked. "Well, your mother and I don't know."

"Spleneded, Draco, we are going to Malfoy Manor for this weekend, pack your bags!" My father and Mother vanished just like that.

Wonder what awaits me this weekend, not excited for anything though.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N, hey." I saw Cedric running up to me as he called my name.

"Oh, hey!" I said turning to him.

"Are you busy later?" He asked nervously.

"Humm, nope! Why?"

"Y/N, we never exactly really gone on an actual, official date, now have we?"

I gulped. "I don't remember." I chuckled a bit.

"Well, why dont we do something tonight. I'll surprise you."

I didn't know what to say, I don't like Cedric like that. If I were to accept his offer, I'd just be playing with him, it's not right.

"Oh Ced, I don't know, you know how I feel." I was being honest with him.

"Well what if I can change your mind, are even dating anyone?"

Then it hit me, what am I to Draco? What are we? Just friends with Benefits or what?

"Well I'm not dating anyone but-"

"Just say yes, please."

"Cedric I can't, I dont like you like that, and it's wrong to play with people's feelings,"

"And Draco isn't doing that to you?"

"Please don't bring him into this, I'll talk to you later." I walked away without any other word. He just kept on insisting. But now I'm focusing on something else, what am I to Draco, why doesn't he have the balls like Cedric to ask me out.

{Time Skip: Friday}

Draco's P.O.V

I got my my stuff ready and my parents were to pick me up.

"You have everything?" My mother asked.

"Yes, Mother." I smiled softly at her.

And with a blink of an eye my father had brought us to the Manor.

"Draco he's coming in less then ten minutes, be ready." My father said sternly.

Of course I already knew who he meant when he said "he," Voldamort. I hate my life, but I was the one chosen for this, I need to make everyone proud.

Seven minutes later

"Ah, Draco, just the person I needed to see." Voldamort said as he approached me slowly. He went in for a hug. Gross, he is so boney.

"Hello, my lord." I said as I bowed my head. My father would go rouge if I didn't do that.

"Well your parents seem confused why we're here, did you tell them, Draco?" Voldamort asked.

"No." I said.

"What are we not suppose to know?" My father spoke up.

"Well, I assigned Draco here to a very important task a couple months ago." Voldamort said.

"And what was the task?" My mother added.

"Draco go on, tell your mother and I."

"Well, Mother, Father, I've been assigned to bring new recruits, but not just any, Vold- I mean our Lords granddaughter, Y/N Y/L/N, or her lost last name, Riddle."

Omg I cant believe I'm at 1.06K reads, thanks to all of you guys! I couldn't thank you guys enough, like wow. I am so happy! Hope you're still loving the story!

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