Episode 10: "Blaise is totally into you"

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Draco's P.O.V: I'm so pathetic. "Fathers right, Hogwarts is a waste of time. I can't wait to see my mother." "Uh, Draco who are you talking to?" Pansy said walking into my room. "Pansy, get out, how' you get in?" "Crabbe and Goyle let me in," Pansy said sitting on my bed. "Those idiots. Get out I need to be alone," I said pushing her off my bed. "Aw come on, let's go to the room of requirements. No one is ever there." She said smiling. "Pansy, not now. I have to go." I walked out of my room leaving Pansy alone. 

Your P.O.V: I saw Draco walking at a fast pace out of the Slytherin common room but he was being followed by no other than Pansy. Great. "Hey, Y/N!" Hermione said running up to me. "Oh hey, Hermione," I said in a tired/sad tone. "What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing just seeing Malfoy and his girl toy." "Oh, Y/N forget about him, go out with Fred, George, or even Cedric," Hermione said nudging me on the side. 

"Nah, they are cool, they are my friends besides Fred and is going out with the girl he invited to the Yule Ball, and I'm not really into Geroge even though he is super sweet." "And Cedric?" "Oh, I don't know Hermione, seems risky going out with a guy to help me forget about Malfoy." "Hey, at least you're not in love with him, that would be way worse." "True..." 

Hermione and I hung out in her dorm until it was time for detention. Forgetting about Malfoy would be easy, but if I have to see him every day for detention then that will be hard. I just want these two weeks to be over.

I walked over to the Library and saw Draco talking to a taller guy. That must be his friend Blaise. I walked past them to get to the library, I made eye contact with Draco, and a split second with Blaise I could tell Blaise had a smile. I was followed by Draco in the Library as he said goodbye to Blaise.

"What was that?" Draco said in a chuckle. "What was what?" I said turning to him. "Blaise totally is into you." He chuckled again. "Oh definitely not. I don't even know the guy." Draco smiled and turned away from me to the bookshelves and started putting books away. I haven't really seen Draco laugh or smile a lot. I liked this. 

"Wow, this side of the library looks spotless." I said walking up to him. "Thanks to me of course." I nudged him to the shoulder. "Hey, I helped a lot too." I chuckled." We decided to go sit down and have break from cleaning. "So what's it like to be a know-it-all?" "Hey, just cause I'm in Ravenclaw doesn't mean I'm smart. I try to be, to not disappoint my house or family. Getting detention was embressing, my own house doesn't know becuase Ravenclaws never get in trouble of that kind." I looked down. "It's hard I feel like I don't belong in that house but I was put there for a reason I guess..." Draco turned to me. "What's your mother?" "Slytherin." Draco seemed more interested in the conversation than before.

"What?" I said to Draco as he studied my face. "Nothing, it's just strange you weren't put in Slytherin." "Yeah, well the Hat never lies, but what about you, your parents?" I said turning to Draco. "They are in Slythrin, both of them." His expression changed from normal to sad. "Malfoy, what wrong?" "Nothing. I just- Nothing." He said standing up, walking over to the book shelf. I walked up behind up and touched his shoulder. "Malfoy I know there's something wrong, keeping it in, is the worst feeling a person can have..." He looked down. 

"No, everything is ok, let's keep clean-" "Draco..." I said softly and touching his arm. He look down. "I said everything is fine." He walked away from me and walked down the aisle. I decide to just leave him alone. I heard he door open and a women with dark brown hair and white hair in the back walked in. She was an older women, she made her way to Draco. They gave each other the biggest hug. Must be his mother...

3rd person: Narcissa walked into the library making her way towards her son. "Draco!" "Mother." They hugged each other for the longest time. "Draco, what are you doing here in detention?" "Mother, I was caught coming late to class when I had a 'matter' to take care, remember?" "Oh yes. Was your father here yesterday?" "Yes..." "Well, I came to say hello and that I love you so much, stay safe." She gave Draco one last hug before leaving. 

He looked down as she left. He made his way to a shelf and sat against it. I He won't open up. What's the point in keep asking whats the matter? I decided to just leave him be. After five minutes or so I heard a wimper. It was Malfoy....

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