Episode 19: "Just be careful."

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"Alright turn to page 700." Snape said.

While reading my book, my thought was interrupted by the doors opening to the classroom. It was Draco.

Snape walked up to him. "Mr. Malfoy...You're late. Why?"

I noticed Draco gave him a look the toys that that said 'You know' kind of look.

"Fine, don't be late to my class anymore." Snape said in his deep stern voice.

To my surprise Draco came to sit next to me.
"Where were you, Malfoy?" I asked.

"Just got lost..." he said as he opened his book.

"No, that's a lie." I chuckled.

He shut my book on purpose. "Hey!" I chuckled so did he. He had a soft smile.

"Quiet." Snape said directly to me.

"Sorry." I said turning my pages again.

We continued to study and read from about two before class finally finished.

"Hey we still on for tonight?" Draco said walking beside me.

"You bet!" I said smiling.

He walked off. He did look back and gave me a smile. He is so....amazing.

"Y/N!" I heard Cedrics voice.

"Cedric! I haven't seen you in a hot minute!" I said hugging him.

"I see you and Malfoy are good friends now."

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Y/N, be careful." Cedric said. My smile quickly faded.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I don't wanna worry you but in every class I'm in, he's always late and I always see him late past bedtime hours."

"Cedric..." I didn't know what to say.

"Just be careful." He smiled at me.

"Okay. Promise." I gave him a soft smile.

He left. I don't want to believe it. Although...No. I can't but... I just need to look out for anything and be  ready for anything.

{Time Skip: Dinner}

I'm just in my thoughts. Thinking about what Cedric said. After all I don't know many things about Draco. Like his past.

"Y/N? Hello? Hello Y/N?!"

I instantly was swept away from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh sorry." I said chuckling.

"What's got your head up a toad?" Ron asked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Non of your business." I said turning my head away from him.

Hermione and Harry just looked at each other, they had that 'what's wrong with her' kind of look.

"Guys. I'm fine jut been thinking about stuff."

"Stuff? Or Malfoy?" Hermione asked. The drink that Ron was drinking instantly came spitting out of his mouth and nose. Gross.

"Shhh. Maybe. I don't wanna talk about it at the moment." I sighed. Good thing they all dropped the subject.

After dinner I went straight to my dorm to get ready.
"And where do you think you're going?" Luna asked.

"Just out for a bit." I said as I put my shoes on.

"I wonder with who?" Luna chuckled.

"Ha. Ha. Just going to talk for a bit . Nothing else."

"Then why are dressing up a bit."

Luna wasn't to wrong there. Im not trying to dress to impress but who the hell cares? I'm not going to deny I like Draco. I said and it's done.

"Because I would like to." I said with a smile. I left the common room and went up to the astronomy Tower. It's so beautiful at night. You can just fall in love with the sky.

As I got up I saw a tall figure. "Draco?" I said walking up to it.

"Hey, did I scare you?" Draco said coming out of the shadows

I jumped a bit.

"Nope." I said chuckling. "Anyways what do you have planned tonight?" I asked.

"I was thinking we could look at the stars for a bit and take a walk." He said as he fidgeted with his rings.

Ah, any girl can just fall in love with that idea of what he just said. "Seems like a good plan." I smiled.

We both sat behind the railing of the tower so we can perfectly see the stars.

"So, Malfoy, tell me about the time you were turned into a weasel." I laughed a bit.

"Shut up, Y/N." Draco said as he playfully pushed my head away a bit to the side.

"Ah come on tell me!" I said nudging on his shoulder.

"It's all's Pottahs fault."

"Did you provoke him?" I chuckled.

Draco didn't answer. He has to much pride. (Haha)

After ten minutes of talking I lasted my head on Draco's shoulder. He didn't seemed to be bothered by it.



"Why-" I hesitated a bit. "Why don't you even talk about your family."

"What do you mean?"

"I just- you seem rude a lot if people here but you aren't rude if they get to know you but at the same time why do you bully? Is cause of your family?"

He didn't say anything for a couple seconds. "I- no one has ever wanted to get to close to me, like you are to me, I just- I'm better then most people at this pathetic school." He grinned.

"Oh come on, jokes aside."

"I guess it's just how I grew up, I don't really know."

"Oh. Well I'm glad we're friends." I smiled.

"Me too."

{Time Skip: after the hangout}

Draco walked me back to my common room, we just hugged and said our goodbyes. If I'm being honest I wish he made a move.

Sorry for another short chapter!!! Still trying to keep up with school!!! But I hope you enjoyed again! I love writing this so much for you, and I hope you love the story! ✌🏾

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