Episode 36: The end?

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*Make sure you read the authors note at the end of the story*

"What are you waiting for? Kill the boy!"

"Wait, this all happening so fast,"

"If you won't do it, I guess I will have to,"
Voldemort made his way to Draco and held him by his hair.

"Oh you have disappointed me, boy," Voldemort said.

Draco stayed silent.


I ran in front of Draco and before he could finish his spell, the glass from the windows shattered. The doors bursted open.

Before I could see anything else...

"Kadabra!" He yelled.

Draco's P.O.V

He got her. Everything was silent. He said the killing spell. Not to me. Not to my family. But to her.

"Malfoy!" Harry grabbed my arm and threw me on his broom.

"Where's Y/N?!" He yelled over all the commotion.

I stared down at her.

"Malfoy where is she?!"

"Go down!" I yelled.

He did and I jumped off and went to her.

"You're so stupid for doing that!" I yelled.

"Malfoy, is she dead?!" Harry asked.

I fell to my knees and I held her in my arms. Her face to my chest. "Please don't go, Y/L/N, what am I going to do?" I whispered.

From a distance I heard laughing. It was from Voldemort.

"Better than my original plan," He began walking the other direction.

"Malfoy watch out!" Harry tossed me my wand.

"Stay with Y/N!" I yelled as I chased after this monster.

And in a sec Voldemort turned into a dark dusty cloud and flew. I did the same.


Voldemort landed on a cliff.

"Oh boy, you always seem to surprise me. You and that little girlfriend of yours," He giggled.

"Bring her back! Bring her back right now!" I yelled.

"You know I can't do that," He laughed.


"You gave away my secrets, I trusted you, Draco, and you betrayed me, I thought you always wanted to be chosen, I thought you wanted to be special, I thought you want to be out of Harry Potter's shadow? Or am I wrong?"

(3rd person switch)

Draco stayed silent. Pointing his wand towards Voldemort.

"Go on do it, kill me. Be the hero and save everyone," Voldemort said.

"I will,"

"Before you do it, let me just tell you, if you kill me, there's no more bringing back Y/N,"


"Come join up with me once more, be the hero for our side. Didn't you always complain that all attention goes to Harry? If you're on my side, I'll give it to you all,"

"Shut up! I'm going to kill you!" Draco yelled.

"What are you waiting for them?"

"...How can you bring Y/N back?"

"Let me show you," Voldemort held his hand out to Draco.

"Shut up! Shut up! I'm not letting you into my head anymore,"

"Then why don't you do the spell, you know it. Or are you to scared,"

Draco was frightened. He's never killed anyone. He never wanted to. He never wanted to cause anyone harm.

"Foolish boy," Before anything else Voldemort was about to make and escape

"Damnit!" Draco yelled. "Wait!"

Voldemort stopped. "What is it, boy?"

"I'll join back..." Draco stood there bringing his want to his side.

Voldemort smiled. He was about to talk before Draco cut him off again. "All I ask is that you bring her back..."

"Deal, however, I do have one condition,"

"What's that?"

"I have to erase every single memory of what you two once had from her head,"

Draco stayed in silence then finally sighed. "If that means she'll live,"

Voldemort took out a time turner from his pocket.

"Wait, isn't that Grangers?"


Draco looked Voldemort dead in the eyes and ran up to him knocking the time turner out of his hands.

"I see you'll never change!" Voldemort was after the time turner but Harry picked it up.

"Be the hero, Harry, break the spell, bring her back!" Draco said. "I'll hold him off," Draco said and Harry dissapeared. For he was going back in time thirty minutes.


Voldemort was mad. "Before Potter comes back, you'll already be dead,"

"If that means saving her than I'll do it,"

A/N: Long time no write, just cringed out by my own story but I plan on ending it soon for it is to cringe for me to read.

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