Episode 30: "Draco, let me show you"

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{Time Skip: The Weekend}

I woke up earlier than usual so I can get a head start on getting ready. I'm not trying to impress anyone, just would be best if I dressed presentable.

Oh who am I kidding, they don't deserve respect, however I don't want to die young so...

Before I left my room, I left a note for Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Luna, they can't know where I'm at so just made something up.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Luna said mumbling, she was still half asleep.

"Uh, shh, shh go back to sleep." It worked, thank goodness. And I was off

I was walking in the dark halls until I was slammed against the wall.

I began to cough and trying to catch my breath. "What the hell?!?" I looked up and saw Draco!

I was speechless.

"What at are you doing wondering the halls late at night?"

I scoffed. "I can ask the same thing about you."

He backed away from me.

"Was that necessary?"

"Who knows? You're probably a snitch." Draco said.

"Oh please. You really think I'm that pathetic?"

"Of course I do." He said walking away. "Not a word that you saw me, you got that?"

"Fine, whatever you want, Malfoy." I said walking the other way.

Ugh this sucks. We're so mean to each other, he wouldn't be acting like that if...I sighed. Wonder what he'll think when he sees me. I'm scared.

{At Malfoy Manor}

In exhaled heavily. This is it.


"Ah, welcome, Miss Riddle," It was a house elf greeting me. I bowed my head a little to be nice of course.

I walked in and saw Lucius and Narcissa standing in front of me. Draco nowhere to be seen though.

"Welcome, Voldemort is not to long from here, please take a seat." Narcissa said.

I didn't say anything. I was scared. I didn't show it though.

"Before Draco comes down from his bedroom, don't give him any ideas." Lucius said.

"Why would I? He doesn't remember me." I said looking down at my hands.

"Very well, Narcissa get Draco to come down, Lord Voldemort is almost here."

But before Narcissa could go upstairs Draco was already walking downstairs.

"Mother, how long ti-" I saw complete shock on Draco's face. I stood up quickly from my seat.

"What she doing here." Draco asked Lucius.

"Now, Draco be nice, we don't want any drama of any kind. Right, Miss Riddle?"

"Riddle?" Draco said in a confused tone.

"Right, Mr. Malfoy."

"Ah It's good to be back." It was Voldemort and some of the death eaters.

"Oh, Y/N, it's so good to see you." Voldemort said as he but his cold hand on my cheek. I obviously turned my head away from him. I hated him.

"Giving me the cold shoulder I see." Voldemort said. "Anyways, today is the day where you, my granddaughter will get her death mark." Voldemort laughed. While all the death eaters were laughing, I saw from the corner of my eye Draco looking at me. I turned to look at him and he looked away. Not long till he stood beside me. "Didn't know you were his granddaughter." He said.

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