Chapter 41 • Four Hours

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I feel like I'm walking on cloud nine. Harry and I had a leisurely breakfast that we cooked together, we took Maggie for a stroll and my doctor appointment was better than I could've imagined. Knowing that Harry and I are doing our best to have a healthy pregnancy and having my doctor praise us for it makes the challenging days worth it.

It was difficult saying goodbye to Harry when I dropped him off at the pet shelter a little bit ago. I don't know if my hormones were to blame, but he reminded me that it'll only be four hours until we're together again since we're working a half day. He's been supportive all throughout our relationship, but he's stepped up to the plate in this pregnancy. Not that I expected anything less.

After parking my car in my designated spot, I turn off the engine and blow out a breath. I glance in the rear view mirror to check my hair and makeup before hurriedly grabbing my purse and work bag and I get out of the car. With the door shut, I click the alarm and make my way to the building's employee entrance.

As I approach the double doors, I reach inside the side pocket of my purse for my work badge and I swipe it to open the door. The cool air conditioned office air blows over my face, causing me to shiver and I catch Emmet's smile.

"Ah, there's our girl," Emmet happily greets me, standing up from the reception desk.

"Hey, Emmet. Where's Trish?"

"In the loo. I'm just covering for her."

"Okay, I'll just wait here because I want you two to be the first people I show," I explain, moving to sit in the convenient chair in the small waiting room area. As I exhale a calming breath, I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall.

"You look tired."

I open my bleary eyes and playfully squint at him, "Gee, thanks. It's because I am tired, but it's all part of the first trimester. Harry and I have been researching these things."

"That's good, I mean, I'm sorry you're tired."

His nervousness makes me smirk, "It's okay, Emmet."

"Hey, when did you get here?" Trish's voice earns my attention.

"Basically just now," I reply, attempting to push myself up using the arms of the chair and I land back on the cushion. "I'll just stay right here for now."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just tired," I explain, reaching into my purse to get the sonogram. "I wanted to show you . . . this."

They collectively coo at the black and white photo of my twins and I smile proudly, smoothing my hands over my double baby bump just like an expectant mum.

"I can't believe it," Trish says in a quivery voice, soothing my arm. "I'm so happy for you and Harry."

"Thank you so-" I pause my words to control my hormones and I blow out a calming breath.

"Did you find out the sexes yet?" Emmet asks.

"Not this appointment, but my OBGYN said we should know next time . . . oh my, I don't know if I'm ready for that yet."

"What? Why not?"

I hemhaw, "I don't know. M'just nervous."

"Aw, why are you nervous, love?" Trish coos, sitting down in the chair next to me and she wraps her arm around my shoulders.

"I guess I'm nervous because once I know what we're having, it'll be even more real. Plus I'm terrified one, or worse, both will be girls."

"Why are you terrified?" Emmet asks and I shrug a shoulder, trying to hold back my tears.

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