Chapter 52 • Rest

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A/N: Just a friendly reminder that this chapter has a Trigger Warning of weight and pregnancy complications. Harry and JJ will have a happy ending, though, I promise 😉

"Oh my God, my baby! What's happening?" Liza starts wailing and it only adds to the chaotic pressure I feel.

"Shall we ring for an ambulance?" Leo asks.

"No! I'm not going in an ambulance," JJ groans, squeezing my hand even harder.

"Actually, Leo, the clinic isn't that far from here," Mum reasons and I huff a breath, finally having enough.

"Now that everyone is up to speed on the logistics, can someone please drive us there?"

"Listen, I'll drive and Gemma can help with JJ," Michal offers.

"Great. Now that that's settled, let's go," I say, standing from my chair.

"Wait, I have to use the toilet first," JJ says.

"No, love. We have to get to the clinic now."

"I need to wee, Harry!"

"But there's a loo at the clinic. Let's just go to the clinic and you can use the toilet there. We need to leave now."

She huffs a breath at my sound reasoning, "Fine."

"Harry, sweetheart, while Michal and Gemma drive you and JJ, the rest of us will wait here for any word on what else we can do."

"That's fine, Mum. We just need to go now. Michal? Gem? You ready?"

"Yeah, m'right here. No need to shout," Michal chuckles, but I fail to catch the humor. "You want my elbow, mate?"

"Yes," I reply, holding out my hand in the direction of Michal's voice and he guides it to his elbow.

He leads me out of the house while everyone else shouts well wishes for us. The crisp evening air feels refreshing than the stuffy air inside Mum's house and I inhale a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"The car's to the left."

"'Kay. Where's JJ?"

"Gemma's helping her in the car now," he says and I nod in acknowledgement, feeling the gravel beneath my shoes turn softer, so I know where crossing the lawn towards the car. "I'll get the door."

I hear the click of the door opening and Michal guides my hand to what I recognize as the headrest of the front seat. I carefully get in and as I reach over to buckle my seatbelt, JJ's strained breaths make me feel bad for her.

"I'm here, love. It's okay."

"Mhm. Can you buckle my seatbelt for me?"

"Yeah, sure, uhm. Where's the thing?"

"Gimme your hand. There."

With the buckle in my hand, I gently pull the strap over her belly and it abruptly stops. I give it a tug and it doesn't budge.

"It needs more slack."

"For the love of God just never mind."

"You need your belt buckled, JJ."

She groans, yanking the buckle from my grasp and I hear the click of the seatbelt. "Now that we're all buckled, can you please drive? Head to Chester Road."

The car starts to move and I rest my hand on the middle seat to hold my balance and I feel a bit of wetness. "Did you bring your drink?"

"No," she says with a little sniffle and my jaw drops.

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