Chapter 47 • Icing On The Cake

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While I savor the last bite of the delicious cake, I look around at the uneven decorations that are hanging on the walls of this break room. The pastel-colored cartoon animals make me smile and the fact that I know without a doubt that my loving husband, the father of my babies, put up the decorations himself warms my heart and it's all that I can do not to start blubbering like a cry baby right now.

A gentle tap on my knee brings me out of my thoughts and I look over at Doris with a smile, "Yes?"

"Would you care for some more punch or cake? There's plenty left for seconds and for you and Harry to take the rest home."

Humming in thought, I look down at my empty paper cup and plate, "I'd love some more punch, please. It's very good."

"I'm glad you liked it," she grins and I hand her my cup. "Would you like another slice of cake as well?"

"Uhm, it was scrumptious, but I really shouldn't, even though I would like another piece because it was insanely delicious. I'm on doctor's orders to eat only healthy foods, for the twins."

"Both of us are eating healthy foods to make sure we have a healthy pregnancy," Harry chimes in and I look over at him with a smile, gently bumping into his shoulder.

"Ah, a team effort. That's a lovely idea. It makes it easier. Alright then, I can throw your plate in the bin for you and I'll be right back with some more punch."

"Oh thank you, Doris," I hand her the items and smooth my hands over my belly, simultaneously fixing my blouse. "And Kayla, that cake was divine. The chocolate was so rich, and the buttercream icing was . . . oh my, my mouth just watered up."

"We could share a piece," Harry says quietly and I look over at him in awe.

"That's very sweet of you to offer, but I'm fine. Now that I think about it, I'm not technically hungry, I just want the cake, because it tasted so good. But I'll be strong for our twins."

His expression is one of shock and admiration, "I told you that you have nothing to worry about. You're already a great mummy."

"Aw, thank you. Now kiss me."

He grins at my command, leaning in closer to me and I peck his lips.

"You two are the cutest," Kayla says, interrupting our moment.

I exhale a breath, smoothing my hand over my belly, "Thanks, Kayla, and you really have a skill in baking."

Kayla beams with pride, sitting up in her chair, "Aw thank you so much. I really enjoy baking cakes, especially themed ones."

"That's nice. In fact, I know my mum is searching for a bakery because she's going to host a shower for me next month. Would you mind if I give her your number?"

"Mind? Of course I don't mind. That would be lovely," she says, hurriedly looking through her purse and she walks over to me. "Here's my business card to give to your mum. My prices are pretty comparable with other bakeries, but since I'm still new, I have a special going on. Half off your second cake."

"Oo, that is a great deal. My mum might take you up on that offer. Thanks, Kayla."

"Of course. Any business is welcomed."

I readily agree and I notice Doris walking toward me in my peripheral vision.

"Here's your punch, love."

"Oh thank you," I smile, carefully taking the cup and I take a sip. "Mm, this is really good. Who made it?"

"I did and it's the simplest recipe. I can share it with you, if you'd like."

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