Chapter 87 • Across The Pond

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To say the last few days have been filled with anticipation for today would be a complete understatement. Not only do we have the checkup appointment with Dr. Tate, but we're also going to have lunch with Trish and make a special stop at a certain adult-friendly store.

I wish I had known Harry wanted to explore the boundaries of our sex life sooner because now I'm more limited than ever in what I can do since I'm coming upon twenty-two weeks of my pregnancy. My desire for sex has come back somewhat but there's only so much I can do in my state. One thing is for certain, I'm going to try my best to fulfill every single one of Harry's sexual fantasies.

"How was your breakfast, darling?" Anne asks, bringing me out of my trance.

I notice she's looking across the table at Harry, not me. He's busy trying to wipe any remnants of his food from his mouth and chin, not giving any attention to Anne's question. He feels around the table and sets his napkin down, letting out a satisfied breath and I glance over at Anne and she winks at me.

"Earth to Harry."

"Huh? Oh, I just assumed you were asking JJ, y'know like how you've been ignoring me lately. I'm just the father-to-be," he grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest and I cover my snicker.

"Enough of that now," Anne chides with a smile. "You just go ahead and sulk if you'd like. And how about you, JJ. Did you like your breakfast, my darling daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, it was delicious, Anne," I grin at her, smoothing my hands down my full, round belly. "I think your grandsons enjoyed it, too, especially the fresh cut strawberries. They were delicious."

"Yeah? I got them from the farmer's market just yesterday," Anne proudly says. "And don't worry; they're organic and I washed and rinsed them twice thoroughly to ensure that they're safe for my grandsons."

"They appreciate all the trouble you went through. I truly could eat them all day everyday now. I just thank my lucky stars I've been craving healthy foods. That helps with my special diet."

"Yeah, you lucked out there," she agrees. "You know the old wive's tale has it that whatever food the mother craves whilst pregnant, the baby prefers as a child and into their adult years. I will make sure my ice box is stocked with everything strawberry for my grandsons."

"I like strawberries, but no one's ever asked me about it," Harry grumbles and I look over at him with a smile, trying not to giggle at his pouty face.

"I'm glad you like strawberries, babe."

"You've always liked my porridge with any fresh berry, even as a boy. It was your childhood favourite brekkie."

He clears his throat, "Yeah, but it tasted a little different than usual. Not bad different," he muses and smacks his lips together a couple times. "Was it all spice?"

"You, my dear son, are correct."

I look over at Harry in awe, "So not only do you have supersonic hearing and olfactory senses, but you have super-human taste buds."

Harry smirks in my direction, tipping his sunnies down the bridge of his nose, "That's right, love. Perks of the disability."

The brief sight of his beautifully broken eyes breaks my heart and I can feel the waterworks coming on. A little birdie chirp noise chimes from my phone, earning my attention and I reach for it on the table. Trish's name appears with a short text and a hug emoji. I reply that we're heading outside in a few and choose the kissy face emoji.

"She's here. Ready, babe?"

"Yeah, I-I guess. Mum, are you sure you're okay with Maggie staying here with you?"

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