Chapter 13 • Yes And No

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I'm even more confused now that my monthly cycle isn't the reason why I've been feeling lousy lately. Since there's no trace on my knickers, the only other thing I think it could be is that perhaps I ate some rancid food, which would explain the vomiting, but it doesn't explain the bloated and crampy feeling I'm having now.

I'd hate to spoil our honeymoon by making a visit to the doctor's office, but I don't want to be miserable the rest of our time here either, and since it was Harry's idea to go, he'll be happy about being right.

"JJ, are you okay? You've been in there for a while," Harry's worried voice sounds through the closed door to the loo.

"M'almost done," I call out, tearing off a few squares of toilet tissue and it's now that I realize my legs are asleep. After I pull my joggers up, I flush the toilet and shuffle in my slippers over to the sink. "You can come in. It's unlocked."

While I reach for my toothbrush and tube of toothpaste, the door opens in the mirror's reflection and he stays at the doorway. He's changed out of his nice dress clothes into a pair of gray joggers and a t-shirt; a simple look that I find very attractive.

"Are you okay, JJ?"

"Mhm, m'brushing my teeth," I reply with a mouthful of toothpaste.

"That reminds me; I need to brush mine. Mind if I join you?"

I hum in favor as he walks over and I reach out to touch his hand that's holding his white cane. After I guide him to the other sink, I rinse out my mouth with some water and pat my chin dry with the hotel's plush hand towel.

While my husband brushes his teeth, an overwhelming feeling comes over me and I take the few steps towards him. I place my hand on his shoulder so I won't startle him and he hums as I smooth my hands around to his chest with my front flush against his back and I press a kiss between his shoulder blades.

The unexplainable feeling causes my eyes to well up with tears and I hold onto him just a little bit tighter. His hand covers mine and he leans over the sink, bringing me with him. He turns off the water and stands back up, making me stand up straight in return and I loosen my arms around his waist.

He turns around, wrapping his arms around my waist and he leans back into the countertop. I grin up at him, smoothing my hands up his chest to rest behind his neck while keeping my eyes on his.

"I'm worried," he quietly says.

"Worried? About what?" I try to act nonchalant and he tilts his head at me.

"You know what. You; I'm worried about you."

"Then there's no more need to worry because I'll research a clinic around here and book an appointment. Hopefully they'll have an opening tomorrow, but I'll take whatever they have available. Okay?"

He exhales a heavy breath and smiles, "I love you, JJ."

"I love you, too, Harry."

His hands make their way up to my shoulders until they land on my cheeks and I close my eyes in anticipation. I inhale sharply at the feel of his lips on mine and I smile softly at the minty taste of our freshly brushed teeth. As he holds me in his arms, I really feel the way he loves me and cares for me. It's unexplainable and I start to become emotional again.

I lean back from our kiss and embrace him in a hug, closing my eyes to let the tears fall. He exhales heavily, caressing my back in a soothing manner and he presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"Is it something I said?"

I can't help but giggle, "Yes and no."

"Well that's helpful," he sarcastically says with a laugh and I lean back to cup his cheeks.

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