Chapter 68 • Case Closed

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"When will they come get me?" I huff out, raking my hand through my hair and I situate myself in the uncomfortable chair. "I'd say it's been more than enough time to take her to the room. How long does that take if they're supposed to be professionals?"

"Now Harry, that's not very kind to say," Mum chides, soothing my shoulder. "I know you're worried, but the nurses need to hook her up to the machines and get her settled. That takes some time and it hasn't even been a half hour yet. You want them to make sure they do it right for JJ and the babies, don't you?" she rhetorically asks and I huff out a breath. "Someone will come get you before you know it."

I sit up in the chair and clear my throat, "Mhm. I understand all that. I just want to be with her. I can't do enough as it is. I'm staying the night with her, y'know."

"Yes, darling, I know, and that's perfectly fine. I've already called Leo to tell him and he said he'd call Liza to let her know."

"Okay good. Thanks. I'm sure she'll want to see her parents," I explain and she pats my shoulder.

"Harry Styles?" a professional voice calls out in the room and I perk up.

"Yes, I'm here," I answer, standing up from the chair and I unfold my white cane. "Mum, can you help me?"

"Of course, darling. The nurse is walking over now. Hello there. I'm Harry's mum."

"Hello. Nice to meet you. Now I have some news for you. JJ started having contractions while we were transporting her to the room."

"Oh my God, is she okay? A-are the babies okay?"

"Dr. Tate was able to examine her and the fetuses. He seems to think it was just stress of the situation, but he thought it'd be best to give her some hormones and medicine to stop the contractions and ultimately prevent pre-term labor."

"Oh God, sh-she's twenty weeks along. She can't go into labor. I was born prematurely. I don't want that for my babies."

"I understand that, sir. We're doing our best to not let that happen. JJ is resting comfortably now and just so you know, she might be a little drowsy from all the medications."

"Okay, okay. We can deal with that. Can I please be with her now?"

"Yes, I'm here to take you to her. She said she's more than ready to see you- oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's alright, ma'am. Just take me to her, please."

"Of course. And again, I'm so sorry," she nervously says and I wave it off again in hopes she'll catch my hint.

"Would you like my elbow?" Mum asks.

"Yes," I reply and she takes my free hand to her elbow. "Let's go."

Mum starts guiding me and in a way I feel better because the nurse is guiding Mum since she doesn't know where to go. For once, I'm not the only one who's left in the dark in a situation.

The noise of the waiting room follows us down the corridor, tapering off and echoing down the walls. The overpowering smell of sanitizer and regular hospital make my stomach churn and the reason why we're here only makes it worse.

"These are our visitors' lifts. JJ is on the fourth floor. Room four ten."

"Room four ten. Four, one, zero," I quietly repeat to myself to help me remember and the lift dings.

"I'll lead you in, darling," Mum says and we walk onto the lift. "Just stand here. It's just us three."

I nod in acknowledgment and the rough metal scraping noise hurts my ears, but it's a small price to pay since it means I'm that much closer to being with JJ. My stomach does a flip as the lift begins to rise and it makes me think of our honeymoon and sneaking a short snog session to our floor.

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