Chapter 88 • Find A Way

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We've been sitting in the clinic's waiting room for a while now, so it's a good thing I convinced JJ not to rush when we were leaving. The extra strain on her body and the twins would've been for nothing. Making sure JJ and our twins are safe is the most important job I've ever had and I plan to do my very best.

I don't know how long we've been waiting in this clinic but it's definitely been longer than any other time before. I'm not complaining because it's given me some time to think while JJ and Trish catch up on things between them since she's been off work.

JJ said she's hoping for a good report for today's appointment and so am I. Even though JJ told me she's been following her doctor's orders since our stay in the hospital, I don't know if I can fully trust her since she's broken that trust before which caused that hospital stay. I feel like a total wanker for doubting her, but the health of my sons and my wife for that matter are on the line.

I've gone to work every day while JJ has stayed at home with Mum so I haven't been there to make sure she's doing what she's supposed to be doing during the day. At least I know she's doing her exercises in the evening before bed because I do them with her, both for moral support and accountability.

One thing that cannot lie is the test results and the doctor's examination today will prove if what she said is true or not. I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not doing a very good job at it.

Soft laughter from JJ and Trish make me grin and JJ gently squeezes my hand, bumping our hands on my thigh a couple times, "What do you think, babe?"

I clear my throat, repositioning myself in the uncomfortable seat, "I uhm, yeah, sure."

"You have no clue what Trish said, do you?" she asks with amusement in her voice and I decide to come clean.

"Well, to be honest, and since honesty is important in any relationship, especially a marriage, no. I was zoned out I guess. I'm sorry, love."

"Who's the pregnant one here?" she giggles. "Trish asked you if you felt like going to a chippie before the special store after we leave here of course."

"Yeah, it's whatever you two would like. I'm just along for the ride."

"Aw, my agreeable husband," JJ coos.

"You definitely picked a winner," Trish says, making me grin. "You sure you don't have a brother or a cousin? Hell, at this point I'll ask if you have any available girl cousins."

"Oh? I didn't realize you were bi-...I don't really know-"

"Styles, Joy," someone announces, unknowingly interrupting an awkward moment.

"Ah, that's me. Ready, love?"

"Yes, let's go," I reply, unfolding my white cane and I stand up.

"You gonna be okay out here, Trish?"

"Yeah, I've got my book. I'll be fine."

"Okay," JJ says, fitting her hand in mine. "We'll go straight about twenty paces."

"Ha, straight."

"Why's that funny?"

"Because of what Trish said, oh never mind. I'm not laughing at her. It was just ironic."

JJ sighs heavily, "What am I going to do with you? Just behave, will you?"

"Yes, ma'am," I reply, trying my damnedest to not smirk.

"Hello. Are you Joy?"

"I go by JJ, but yes and this is my husband Harry."

"Splendid. Follow me. We'll be in room four today," the medical worker says and I stay silent as JJ guides me to the room. "Here we are. Uhm, you can have a seat right over here, Dad. And for you, Mummy to be, I need to check your weight first."

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