Chapter 49 • No Matter What

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"This spot looks perfect," Harry muses, stopping us from walking and he presses his foot to the brakes on the double pram.

While he unfolds the picnic blanket, I look around at the gorgeous scenery of green mountains and lush trees with chirping birds in their nests and a lovely little pond across the way. I'm so glad we've taken advantage of this warm Summer afternoon for our family walk and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"There we go," Harry says, earning my attention and he rubs his hands together with a satisfied sigh. He looks over at me and grins, taking the few steps closer to me and he flicks his green eyes from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes again.

"What are you doing?" I knowingly ask.

He hums cutely, lifting his hands to cup my cheeks and I place my hand on his waist. I take it as a hint that he wants a little kissy so I tilt my head up, silently inviting him to kiss me and it feels like I'm floating away or living in a romantic movie.

He hums into our kiss, lightly vibrating my lips and he leans back with a smile, "JJ, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Thank you, Harry," I blush at his compliment. "And you're the most handsome man I've ever seen."

He kisses the tip of my nose, "Care to have our family picnic with me?"

"Mhm, I'd love to."

"Then let me help you down, love."

Smiling at my thoughtful husband, I set the picnic basket down so I can place my hands in his and he helps me sit down on the blanket that's covering the soft grass. I make sure my dress is covering my legs and I proceed to open the food basket.

"C'mere, my handsome son," Harry coos, taking our firstborn twin out of the pram. He gently bounces him in his arms while patting his back and he kisses his little head. "Would you like to go to Mummy now?"

"C'mere, son," I hold out my hands, smiling big for him and Harry gently places him in my arms. A little whine comes from the pram and Harry's quick to check on our daughter.

"I didn't forget about you, little princes," Harry coos, taking her out of the pram and he kisses her chubby cheek before sitting down to hold her on his lap. "It's a beautiful day for a family picnic. Isn't it, love?"

"Mhm, it really is," I readily agree, gently rocking my son on my lap from side to side.

"Shall we eat now?"

"Yes, I'm starving."

"So am I. If you get our food ready, I'll prepare the twins' bottles," he offers.

"Deal." I press a kiss to my son's head before setting him down to sit on his own next to me and I reach inside the picnic basket.

I grab the plastic container and take off the lid while Harry shakes the bottles, simultaneously making silly faces at our twins to entertain them. They seem to think their daddy is the funniest person to have ever walked on this planet and I can't help but smile at their adorable giggles.

"Tell me, is this your first time at The Styles Café?" Harry asks, fully knowing that our year old twins can't comprehend a full sentence yet. "I'll take that slobber as a yes. What was that? Oh, do we have any specials? Why I'm glad you asked, madam. We have a house milk, uhm, white, aged about two days. I recommend it highly. What was that, sir? You'd like that as well? Perfect! I shall bring two bottles to the table shortly. Feel free to gnaw on your fingers until then."

As I set the slice of chocolate cake onto the saucer, I watch with heart eyes as my husband shakes both bottles of the milk I had pumped earlier like he's a pro and has done it for years. Despite his concerns, he's gone above and beyond for our twins and I couldn't be more grateful.

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