Chapter 93 • Happy Birthday, Babies

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A/N: My profound apologies to any med students, nurses etc if I got any details of the medial procedure wrong and to any mommies who've had a Cesarean section. You can tell I've definitely never had a kid 😂 I can only Google so much lol let's just use our imaginations, shall we? 😂

The tiny holes in the ceiling panels are starting to move slowly and it's making me feel dizzy. While I lay here on the operating table with my arms spread out and the curtain covering everything below my chest, the overhead lights become too bright and I close my eyes. I feel two warm tears roll down the sides of my face and I exhale a breath slowly. In this overwhelming moment, I realize I'm about to become a mum, but my husband isn't here with me.

This isn't how I imagined the delivery of my first babies to happen, but as long as my boys are healthy and going to be taken care of, I'll be happy.

"We're going to begin in a few moments, JJ. Just relax and breathe normally. You're doing just fine."

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor," I blow out a breath, opening my eyes to the ceiling.

A nurse who I can't recognize because of all the operating room garb leans down close to my face, "I'm Selena and this is Marcie. We'll be taking care of your little bundles of joy after they arrive. We have their warmers and incubators all set and we promise we'll take good care of them."

"Thank you. Will I be able to hold them?"

"Erm, it's not common practice to let the mums hold the babies after a C-section but if I can, I'll bring them over to you so you can see them," she says, gently fixing the elastic band around my surgical cap.

Choking back my tears, I nod in response and turn to face the ceiling and I close my eyes.

"We're ready to begin. Are you ready, Mrs. Styles?"

"Y-yes. Please let my babies be okay."

"We'll do our best. Just relax and think good thoughts. Scalpel."

Even though I can't feel anything, I ball my fists as a reaction to the fact that my stomach is being sliced open. Reality is too much for me to handle right now, so I decide to think of how mine and Harry's life will be down the road. I'm picturing the twins' first birthday party where Harry and I are helping them open their loads of presents, and we're surrounded by our family, how the twins will react to their birthday cakes, what their smiles will look like, how happy Harry and I will be, and our family photo celebrating the occasion.

"So, have you picked out their names yet?" Selena asks, no doubt trying to keep my mind off what could go wrong.

"Uhm, we've decided on their middle names. They are Leonard and Lawrence, after my dad and uncle who are twins. My uncle passed away a couple years ago and I wanted to honour his memory."

"That's a lovely sentiment. I'm sure he'd be chuffed," she says, dabbing the side of my left eye with a tissue and it's now I realize I'm crying. "Have you thought of their first names?"

"No. We really didn't have that much time. We waited a bit to find out their sex and then I started having complications and then the hospital stay happened."

"Well, we have time now to go over some names if you'd like."

"Sure," I reply with the expectation of not choosing any she suggests because I want Harry and I to pick them.

"Let's see here. Do you like traditional names or the more popular, trendy names?"

"I-I really don't know. As long as they go with Leonard and Lawrence and our last name."

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