Chapter 45 • Heartbeats

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A/N: 🚨 The sensitive topic of pregnancy weight gain is discussed. Harry and I think you all are the most beautiful and kind people in the world ❤️

Now that I'm perched on this examination table, munching on a handful of almonds, I'm more than ready for my fifteen week check-up. It boggles my mind how fast a month has gone by since my last appointment and it makes me glad that we've started checking off things from my To-Do list before the twins arrive.

In these past four weeks, not only has my body has changed, but I've felt a special bond with the twins, even though I haven't felt them move yet. Getting pregnant so soon wasn't in our plan, but Harry and I couldn't be happier.

"Did the snack help?" Harry asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, it did. Those almonds really hit the spot. I was starving. Y'know something; I think that was the longest I've gone without eating, but I know it was so I could have the most accurate results for the blood test."

"And I know you'll Ace it," Harry jokes and I turn my head on the examination table, making the paper crinkle. He's sat in what is dubbed as the partner's chair and he looks nervous and excited all at once.

"You're so sweet. Gimme your hand. I want to hold it," I extend my arm and pain shoots down my arm. "Ouch!"

"What's wrong?"

"My arm hurts from being stuck with the needle earlier," I explain, gently smoothing down the medical tape that's holding the cotton ball in place. "It's going to bruise. I always bruise after having this done."

"Oh love, I'm sorry," Harry coos. "Where's your hand?"

"Right here," I grin, placing my hand in his. As our fingers fumble around to fit together, I smooth my other hand down my belly as if all four of us are holding hands as a family. A round of knocks at the closed door interrupts us and Harry lets go of my hand just as the door opens.

"Good Morning to you both," the chipper young woman dressed in maroon colored scrubs says with a friendly smile. "Sorry for keeping you waiting. It's been a busy morning."

"It's the mark of a good clinic," I offer with a smile, smoothing my hand over my stomach.

"Thank you for understanding. My name's Janine and I'll be performing the ultrasound today," she explains, proceeding to wash her hands in the sink in the corner of the room.

"That's great. Will we be able to hear the heartbeats this time?"

"We should," she muses, pulling a couple towels from the mounted holder and she dries her hands. "Let's check out what the twins are up to this morning. If you will lift your shirt and pull the front of your trousers down a tad, I'll get the machine ready."

I follow her instruction, pulling my shirt up just under my bra and I fold the stretchy material of my trousers down. I exhale a nervous and excited breath, watching Janine prepare the transducer and I look over at Harry.

"Ready, love?"

He perks up with a grin, "Yeah, I'm ready. Are you?"

"Mhm," I hum with a smile.

"If you remember from last time, this gel will be a little cold," Janine warns and I suck in a breath at the cool gel being spread over my lower stomach. "And here we go."

I turn my attention to the monitor, squinting as she firmly presses the instrument on my belly and a grainy black and white image appears. As the sonic waves echo throughout the room, the two most beautiful pictures of my babies' profiles come into focus. I gaze at the screen in awe, reminding myself to hold back my response since Harry can't see them.

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