Chapter 82 • Good Thoughts

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I feel like I'm on top of the world. Not only did I feel my sons kick for the first time, but JJ and I reconnected in a way that I can't describe. Part of it might be because we haven't had a shag in a while, but I felt a deep connection with JJ that I've never felt before, even during our first time.

We had a bit of a rough patch with her health and the babies' health, but knowing that our twins are okay for now and our relationship is back on track and better than ever, we can prepare ourselves for the birth of our healthy, fully seeing babies. I think if JJ and I do a little more research on that particularly scary subject in those baby books, the more prepared we'll feel.

Now that I'm showered and dressed, I realize just how hungry I am, especially after our activity. Smirking at the steamy thought, I finish combing my hair and JJ knocks on the closed loo door.

"Come i-"

"Sorry sorry sorry but I have to wee again and I couldn't wait."

"That's alright, love. That's partly why I didn't lock the door. Plus, it's not good for you to hold it anyways so it's quite alright." The heavy, rushed stream and her relieved sighs make me grin and I feel around the counter for the tray to set my comb down. "Feel better?"

"Mhm, it feels amazing."

"Amazing, huh?" I playfully challenge, turning around to face her and I cross my arms over my chest. "I thought it was my job to make you feel amazing."

"Oh you did, babe, but this is-" the stream stops and a deep muffled toot sound echoes in the toilet bowl. "Sorry. It's nothing more, I promise."

"That's alright, love. Let 'er rip."

"Harry! Oh my God."

"What? Everyone toots. It's no big deal. Ah! I just thought of something; if it's not good for you to hold in your wee, I'd assume it's not good for you to hold in your toots."

"Hmm, while I suppose that's true, it's a tad embarrassing when it happens in front of your husband."

"My husband?"

"Not you, you goof. I meant your as in a general your. Ugh, I'm tired of explaining."

"Aw the poor love. I wonder if a nap would help."

"We were supposed to be napping earlier and you know how that ended."

I smirk, "Yeah, I do know."

JJ hums doubtingly and the toilet flushes. "Pardon me but you're in front of the basin and I need to wash my hands."

"Ah, then let me move out of the way," I apologetically say, stepping aside.

"Thanks," she says and the sound of the water streaming fills the quietness of the loo. "M'hungry."

"Want to raid our mini ice box for a snack?"

"Sure and I'm craving some tea."

"Say no more. One cuppa coming right up."

"I can make it."

"But you're on bed rest."

"True, but that doesn't mean you need to be my butler."

"I know that, but I'm very limited in helping you, so when it's something I can do, I want to do it for you. So I'd like for you to make yourself, and our boys, comfortable in our bed and I'll bring you some tea. No need to worry. Mum has labels, too, in case you didn't notice them."

"Yeah, I have and I think it's sweet." Her hand brushes against my bicep and I raise an eyebrow in interest, placing my hand on hers. "And I think you're sweet."

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