Chapter 19 • The Name Game

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"I'm hungry, borderline hangry."

"Uh-oh, that's not good. Do you want to order room service now? We can have an early dinner if you'd like," Harry suggests as I step out of the loo, tying my bathrobe shut.

"Sure, by the time it'll take them to cook the food and bring it up, it should be around six. Would you like for me to read off the menu?"

"If you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind, love," I say, grabbing the menu from the desk before walking over to the sofa. I sit next to Harry and he opens his arm, inviting me to cuddle into his side. "What sounds good to you?"

He hums in thought, "I'm thinking about some pasta. How about you?"

"I think the baby wants some pizza with a side of chips and ketchup."

"Are you going to use our baby as an excuse to get whatever you want?"

I grin at him, "Yes."

"And that's perfectly fine with me," he leans over and kisses my hair and I turn my head to where he can kiss my lips. "Tell me; what toppings does the baby want on the pizza? I've heard about pregnant women craving anchovies. That doesn't sound appealing to me, but we can get half with anchovies and half without."

"I've heard of those rather interesting cravings, too, but I think I have an even weirder craving than that."

"Okay?" he makes a worried face.

"Extra cheese."

"Oh thank God, I was really starting to worry there for a second," he chuckles, making me laugh.

"I hope I don't get weird cravings, but if the baby wants it, I suppose I'll want it, too."

"Precisely. Now, would you like me to call the order in?"

"Sure, if you want," I reply, standing up and I take his hand in mine. "The phone is over here. You can sit right down at the desk if you'd like."

"Thank you, love," he says and I guide his hand to the phone's headset. "Could you point my finger on the Operator button, please?"

"Yes, of course. Here you go," I say and he clears his throat, bringing the headset up to his ear.

"It's ringing," he whispers, making me grin. "Hi, yes, this is Harry Styles. Suite number two on the fourth floor. Yes, we'd like to order room service, please."

He's quiet for a second as I'm sure he's listening to the front desk person talk. While he starts ordering the food, I smooth my hands on my belly and cup my lower belly, exhaling a calm breath and a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth at the thought that this is really happening.

Right after Harry proposed, we discussed the topic of children and when we'd feel comfortable starting a family. Needless to say, we wanted to wait a little while longer, but I guess this is an unexpected surprise for us. I'm scared out of my mind, but I know it's going to be absolutely wonderful.

"Thirty minutes? That's fine. Thank you," Harry says, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Where's the phone set, love?"

"Oh sorry, it's right here," I say while guiding his hand.


"You're welcome. So, thirty minutes?"

"Yeah, oh and I asked for extra ketchup for your chips, and one other thing, but that's a surprise."

His sweet words make me grin and I place my hand on his shoulder. He tilts his head up in my direction, turning in the swivel chair to face me and he reaches out for my waist. His eyebrows furrow together as he feels my bathrobe's belt and he gently brings me to stand between his legs.

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