Chapter 35 • Wake Up Call

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The sound of the toilet flushing is somehow louder at four in the morning than during the day and I can't explain why. Now that I know the reason behind my frequent trips to the loo, it's not so bad, although I'd prefer not be woken up five times during the night to have a wee.

After I wash my hands, I give them a quick dry on the towel that's draped over the shower stall and I make my way back to the bedroom with my hand protectively on my lower belly.

Since the sun isn't up yet, the soft nightlight in our hallway illuminates the path to our open door. As I enter our bedroom, soft alternating snores let me know Harry and Maggie are still asleep, so I carefully crawl back into bed. Once I'm settled on my side, I pull the covers up over my shoulder to seal in our body heat and Harry rolls over on his side to face me.

"You okay?" he mumbles, obviously half-asleep with his head resting on his pillow and his eyes still closed.

"Yeah. Just had to wee again."

"M'kay," he mumbles, wrapping his arm around my waist to get closer. He exhales a deep breath and as I wrap my arm around his back, I watch him fall back to sleep while trying not to breathe in the horrible smell of his morning breath. "You're staring."

"Oops. Sorry, love."

"S'okay. Mm, what time is it?"

"A little after four. We have just under an hour before we need to wake up to get ready for work."

He hums cutely, "Sounds like you're already awake."

"Aw, are you not ready to get up yet, sleepy head?" I knowingly ask and he hums, shaking his head on the pillow and his hand gives my bum a little tap. "But we get to go to work today."

He breathes out a tired laugh, "You're excited to go to work?"

"Yeah, I mean it'll be our first day back after our wedding and we can announce that we're expecting our twins. Speaking of which, I'll need to schedule an HR meeting with Emmet to discuss what will happen with our insurance and when my maternity leave kicks in and all that good stuff. Oh my gosh, I'll get to go on maternity vacation. Wait, that doesn't sound right. Maternity . . . leave! It's maternity leave. Isn't it exciting?"

"Mhm, very exciting," he says through a yawn. "Doris and everyone at the animal shelter will be happy for us. I'm sure they'll throw us a baby shower or at least pitch in to get us a nice gift."

"Oh a baby shower," I quietly squeal in excitement. "We're gonna have baby showers, Harry. Y'know, my mum and I were talking earlier at the pool that she wants to host a special tea slash baby shower at her flat; no bells or whistles and certainly no country club snobby attitude. Wasn't that sweet of her to offer?"

"It was," he grins, still keeping his eyes closed and his face relaxes.

He looks incredibly sexy with his disheveled hair laying haphazardly on his pillow and the way our bedsheet is draped over his bicep is turning me on more than it should. The dark lines of his tattoos on his skin are muted in the moonlight that's peering in through our bedroom window and I bring my hand out from under the covers.

I let my fingertips gently brush over his collarbone, languidly dragging my fingers down to his pec muscle and I lay my palm flat. The steady rhythmic beating of his heart drums on my hand, making me smile and he inhales a deep breath.

"Someone isn't very sleepy, are they?" he teases with a pat to my bum.

"Mhm," I hum in answer, giving him peck a squeeze in hopes he'll catch my hint. "Harry?"


I don't answer. Instead, I slide my hand down his chest to his stomach until it reaches his belly button. I trace it in little circles before following the trail of hair down to the waistband of his boxer briefs. He inhales a sharp breath, pushing his hips closer to me and I take that as the green light to slip my hand beneath his boxer briefs.

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