Chapter 94 • On Top Of The World

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"I don't know how much longer I can just sit here and not know what's happening. How long has it been?"

Mum hums in thought, shifting in her seat next to me, "They wheeled her out of the room about . . . hmm, I'd say going on two hours ago."

"It's only been two hours? Feels like an eternity," I mutter to myself, letting go of Maggie's harness to rub my hands over my face.

"I remember when my peanut was born," Leo says fondly. "The wait was almost unbearable, but trust me, the wait will be worth it to finally hold your baby in your arms, son."

I nod in acknowledgment, not wanting to be rude and I reach down to pet Maggie's head. It feels like I've been away from her for a long time so I'm grateful Mum brought her. Even though my family is trying to be encouraging and helpful, they don't understand how utterly frustrating it is for me in this situation. I can't see or do a damn thing to help my wife and sons, and it will be like that for the rest of my life.

"Why don't we go over potential baby names to pass the time?" Liza suggests.

"That's a wonderful idea," Mum happily chimes in.

"I guess Gemma is off the table now," Gemma says in a pouty voice.

"You can always name your child that, darling. After all, a grandma can never have too many grandchildren," Mum quips, taking the piss out of Gemma for her and Micael not having kids yet.

"We're in the middle of planning our wedding, Mum. Can't I get through one huge milestone at a time, please?"

While the three grandparents-and-aunt-to-be keep themselves occupied, I can't sit still any longer.

"I'm going to ask someone for an update. Someone has to know something about JJ," I huff out a determined breath, reaching for the harness and I stand up from the uncomfortable chair in the waiting room. "Let's walk-"

"Hold on, darling. I think . . . yes, that's JJ's doctor. He's walking over here."

"Harry? It's Dr. Tate."

"Yes, Doctor, how is JJ? H-how are my boys?"

"JJ did just fine. We've moved her into recovery and she's resting comfortably. Someone will come get you to take to her shortly."

I swallow the lump in my throat, "Mhm, mhm. And the babies?"

"The delivery went smoothly with no complications. Both babies are in their incubators and being monitored closely by our team. Baby A weighed in at one point three kilograms and is holding his own so far. Baby B weighed in at just over a half a kilogram. His condition is as we expected. While he's having more difficulty breathing, they are both on oxygen and their levels are well-within the normal range for premature babies. Once they're stable enough, you and JJ can visit them."

I huff out a relieved breath, "Thank you, doctor, for everything."

"My pleasure, Mr. Styles, and congratulations on becoming a father. Congratulations to you all as well. The twins aren't out of the woods by any means, but I can tell JJ and these babies have a lot of support to pull through. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my patients."

My chest swells with pride at being called a father for the first time after they're born and a wave of relief washes over me.

"They're here. I can't believe it. My boys are here."

"I'm so happy for you, darling," Mum says, soothing my shoulder and I turn towards her to give her a hug.

"I suppose I should go to the gift shoppe and get my nephews something to welcome into the world," Gemma says and I lean back from my mum's embrace.

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