Chapter 58 • Something Good

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As I reach down to feel for the handle on the toilet, a knock at the door earns my attention and I call out towards the door. "Yes, love?"

"I need to wee again."

Smirking, I reach down to flush the toilet and I put the seat back down, "Alright, you can come in."

The rush of the wind from the door opening fast blows past my naked body and she scurries behind me. While I wash my hands, the constant sound of her urine trickling into the toilet makes me grin. It brings me back to when we first started dating when she'd turn on the sink faucet so mask the sound of her urinating and it makes me appreciate how far we've come as a couple.

JJ sighs, "Honestly thought I wasn't going to make it to the toilet. Apparently our twins think they're martial artists and can use my bladder as a punching bag."

"Just think, love, they'll earn their black belts in about five months and then you'll be able to evict them," I offer, feeling around the wall behind me for my robe that's hanging on the hook.

She giggles at my joke, "Yeah, I'm highly anticipating not having to wee every hour or so, but I'm still scared about actually giving birth to two babies."

I pause tying my robe, turning in her direction, "You're scared?"

"Yeah. Duh. Where have you been the past few months?" she asks and the loud sound of the toilet flushing adds to the frustration right now.

"JJ, I knew you were nervous, but being scared is completely different."

"And how's that?"

"Well, being scared has a negative connotation, like something bad is about to happen, but being nervous is more positive, like you're expecting something good to happen. And JJ, this is something good."

"Oh I know that, Harry. I'm just telling you what I'm feeling. You want me to be honest with you. Right?"

"Yes, of course I do. Hold on. Where are you?" I ask, holding out my hands and she places her hands in mine. I gently pull her to me and I rest my hands on her waist, fiddling with the soft material of her jumper. "God, I wish I could see you right now." I shake my head for clarity, huffing out a breath. "JJ, love, I want you to be honest with me, but I don't want you to feel any unnecessary stress or nervousness or anything bad. Okay?"

"That's very sweet, but impossible. I'm going to be nervous, scared out of my mind and stressed. It comes with the territory of not only being pregnant for the first time, but being pregnant with twins. But I promise to let you know whenever the bad feelings start to creep up on me. Alright?"

I take a few seconds to mull over her words, "Okay. Now any time I can help you relax or feel good, just tell me."

"Oh I definitely promise you that," she giggles, smoothing her hands on my chest over my robe. "And thank you again for helping me out earlier. I'm still tingling all over."

"Mm, like I said, any time."

"You know something? Your dimple, while adorable, can be devilish sometimes."

"Was I smirking?"

"Yes," she giggles.

"Oh. I didn't realize it."

"Liar," she jokes, patting my chest. "C'mon, let's go call your mum, then mine, and then, we can have the whole afternoon and evening to ourselves."

"Hmm, I like the sound of that, but I would like a kiss first."

She breathes out a laugh, sliding her arms around my shoulders and I duck my head down. I close my eyes so she won't feel uncomfortable and as I feel her lips on mine, I inhale sharply through my nostrils. Our kiss is minty and soft and everything we need right now. She hums into our kiss, slowly leaning back to end our kiss and I exhale a deep breath.

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