Chapter 27 • Routine

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A/N: For the squeamish: Details about v*miting are in this chapter 😬 it's not gross gross, but thought I'd warn ya. I'll try to work the future chappies where JJ has the "morning glories of pregnancy" in Harry's POV cos who likes to read about it? 🤷‍♀️😂

"We're here," I quietly announce, bringing the car to a slow stop in the driveway. I put the gearshift in Park and shut off the engine. "I'll come around for you in just a second. I've got the fruit tray."

"That was a brilliant idea I had to bring a fruit tray so you can eat your grapes without causing suspicion."

"Yes, love. You earned five bonus points for that idea."

"Bonus points are nice but I'd much rather have a kiss."

His damn dimple pops and as much as I hate to admit it, it's working on me. I roll my eyes into a smile, leaning over the seat and I cup his cheek to let him get his bearings. Our kiss is short and sweet and I swipe my thumb over his bottom lip to remove a trace of my lip gloss.

"I liked my prize. What would I get if I won . . . say sixty-nine bonus points, hm?"

"Harry Edward Styles, we are about to visit with your mum. You can't say things like that and get me all hot and bothered right before I'll be around people, especially family. It's awkward."

"So . . . you're hot and bothered?" he grins victoriously.

"You're incorrigible," I sigh, rolling my eyes and I grab the plastic tray of fruit before getting out of the car. "I'll be right over."

I let the door swing shut behind me as I walk around to Harry's door and I tap my knuckles a few times on the window to let him know I'm here. He opens the door and with the tray in my left arm, I help guide him out with my free hand and he shuts the door.

"Do you think she'll remember us?" he asks, unfolding his white cane.

"Do you mean Maggie or your mum?"

"Ha ha," he mockingly laughs and I start walking us up the pathway to the porch. "I can hear her."

"I can't. Oh wait, that's because of your supersonic hearing."

"That's right and don't you forget it," he says, making me laugh and I ring the doorbell.

Maggie's barks make me smile and the sound of rushed footsteps become closer. I tug at the middle of my blouse to make the loose material even more loose just to avoid any questions. It took me three outfits until I found something that was comfortable and loose-fitting. I've already made a mental note that I'll need to go maternity clothes shopping soon and I'm actually excited about it.

The sound of the lock clicking snaps me out of my thoughts and the door opens and we're greeted by a beautiful smile.

"There's the newlyweds. Hold on, let me get Maggie so she doesn't run out. She's so excited. Okay, come in, my darlings."

"Hi, Anne. Hi, Maggie. Oh, she's reunited with her dad. I'm invisible now."

"Oh, nonsense, love. You're not invisible to me. C'mere, I'll give you a hug," Anne coos, inviting me in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "And don't you look beautiful. You're positively radiant. Did you two have a lovely time?"

"Uh, yeah, we did. We brought a fruit tray."

Anne gives me a funny look, taking the clear plastic container from me, "Now I know you heard me over the phone when I said you didn't have to bring anything."

"We wanted to," I say, glancing over to my left and the sight of Maggie licking Harry's face and wagging her fluffy tail while he pets her makes me smile. "Listen, why don't we let these two get reacquainted and I'll help you with brunch."

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