Chapter 67 • Precaution

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A/N: Hello 🙋‍♀️ Okay, so y'all know I like to research stuff to make sure my stories are accurate. I haven't had that time. I've googled what I could but if something isn't "hospital protocol" or how they do a baby exam thing, please just give me a pass and use your imagination like it could happen lol  also I googled a "20 week fraternal twins sonogram" so if that pic in the collage isn't true, blame the internet 😂 also I'm so depressed and tired and uuuuggggghhhhhh

🚨 Trigger Warning 🚨
Weight is mentioned. You know Harry and I think y'all are beautiful just as you are and the scale means nothing. ❤️

"We're here," Anne says, slowly pulling up to the the emergency entrance and she brings the car to a stop.

I glance out the window and notice an orderly in green scrubs standing outside waiting with a wheelchair. Assuming it's for me, I blow out a determined breath and remind myself that life isn't just about me anymore. It's about my babies now.

"Need help out, JJ?" Harry's worried voice earns my attention.

"I've got it. Thanks, though. Uhm, lemme get into the wheelchair and I'll ask the nurse to help you out," I suggest and he readily nods.

"And I'll park the car. I'll be right behind you two. Good luck, darling."

"Thanks, Anne. Okay, let's do this," I say with determination, unbuckling my belt and I open the door.

"Hello there," the same orderly greets me with a friendly smile. "Are you Joy Styles?"

"Yes. Dr. Tate-"

"Is expecting you. We have an examination room ready for you. Here; let me help you," she says and I place my hand in hers to carefully step out of the car. "Watch your footing now," she kindly warns as I grab onto the arms of the wheelchair to help me sit down and I exhale a breath. "Let me get the footholds for you."

"Thanks. Uhm, my husband is with me, but he's blind. Would you mind helping him out of the car, please? Just tap on the window and he'll open the door. He's on the other side."

"Of course. I'll put the brakes on and I'll be right back."

She walks around the back of the car and I rest my elbows on the armrests, placing my hands protectively on my belly. Their voices carry under the awning of the entrance and I watch the nurse lead him over to me.

"I'm here, love," I say for his benefit, reaching out to touch his hand that's holding his white cane.

"Okay, then let's get inside," he says and I let go of his hand.

The orderly takes the brakes off the wheelchair and she starts wheeling me towards the double doors. I wave to Anne to let her know we're okay and she waves back with a worried expression. I don't blame her because I know all of us are worried at the moment.

As she wheels me inside the building, I look around at the few people who are waiting to be seen by a doctor and I feel a tinge of guilt for having special accommodations made just for me. That with the urgent atmosphere of an emergency room and the stress of the contractions are enough to cause me anxiety, but I need to be strong, not only for my babies, but for Harry as well.

"Here we are," she says, slowing down and she wheels me into the room. "Do you need help onto the table?"

"I can help her," Harry says.

"Alright then. There's no need to undress, at least for now, but I will need to take your vitals."

"Sure, lemme get situated," I say, pushing myself up to stand from the wheelchair.

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