Chapter 78 • Rock and Roll

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To say this hospital stay was a roller coaster of emotions would be the understatement of the year. From learning of JJ's Preeclampsia and other health issues, to waiting for Baby B's condition to get better, to learning that we're going to have two boys, JJ and I have experienced quite a bit over the past four days.

I realize we're extremely lucky that nothing worse happened to JJ or the boys, but it was still scary. Not only could I have lost one of my sons, but I could have lost JJ. Her condition is still serious and I hope with every ounce of my being that she will follow through with her doctor's orders. I don't know why the universe was on our side this time, but I'm forever grateful.

The quiet conversations of the families of patients here in the waiting room seem to help drown out my own thoughts and I exhale a breath, sitting up in the chair. I've been waiting while the nurses prep JJ to be discharged and I hope my mum and Leo will make it here in time to drive us home as we discussed. My mum is usually an early arriver, and I know Leo is punctual so it makes my skin crawl thinking of a possible reason why they're late.

"Oh there he is," Mum's excited voice brings me out of my disturbing thoughts and I stand from the chair. Gripping my white cane, I turn to face the direction from where my mum is coming from. "Hello, darling. Leo and I are here now. Sorry for running a tad late. There was uhm, traffic, y'know, more than usual."

"Traffic, hey? On a Monday mid-morning?" I ask in a teasing tone and Leo clears his throat. "We'll go with the traffic excuse. Hey, Mum." Her hand brushes on my shoulder and I lean in to kiss her cheek. She kisses my cheek and I extend my hand out. "Hello, Leo."

He cordially shakes my hand, "Hello, Harry. How are you holding up, son? Excited for today?"

"I honestly couldn't be happier. We get to go home today."

"I'm happy you both get to come home, too," Mum says. "Speaking of that, when will our little mummy-to-be be ready?"

"We've already signed, well, she signed the discharge papers. The nurses are unhooking her from the machines and all that and helping her get dressed now. I would help, but it's hospital policy to have the family members wait outside the room when it's a delicate situation."

"I know you'd be in there helping my little girl if you could, Harry."

"I would in a heartbeat. I would help her."

"I know, son," Leo says with a pat to my shoulder. "Shall we have a seat while we wait? Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Actually, it really shouldn't be that much longer. Spencer said he'd come get me in twenty minutes and it's felt like it already. You're welcome to have a cup, obviously."

"We've already had some this morning," Leo says and I nod in acknowledgment.

"Oo, there's a nurse coming our way," Mum says, earning my attention. "He's making eye contact with me as if he's on a mission for us, well, mainly you, of course. I wonder if he's that's Spencer fellow you mentioned before."

"Maybe. Wait. He's on a mission? Does h-he look upset, like something's happened with JJ?"

"No, love. He has a calm and pleasant demeanor. Oh, here he comes."

"Mr. Styles, it's Spencer. JJ's all set and ready to go now."

I sigh in relief, "Oh good."

"Mhm. Is this your family?"

"Uh, yeah, this is my mum, Anne and my father-in-law, Leo. They've offered to take us home today."

"How nice. Pleased to meet you both. I've already said goodbye to JJ, so I'll tell you goodbye now so I can make my rounds. Mary is still with her and will walk her out," Spencer explains. "It was a pleasure being your wife's day nurse and I wish you both the best. You bring those babies by when they're born, okay?"

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