Chapter 83 • In The Cards

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"Joy Allison Styles . . . JJ . . . baby . . . my beautiful bride . . . soon-to-be mummy."

Grinning at my husband's sweet sing-songing, I open my right eye since the left side of my face is smushed comfortably within my pillow and I see him sitting on the edge of the bed.

"M'awake now," I say through a yawn, shifting my leg on my body pillow to get more comfortable and I place my hand on his. "How long was I asleep?"

"It's the year three-thousand and twenty-two," he says and it takes my brain a second to compute. "M'just kidding. It's been about an hour."

"An hour? That's all? Feels like longer than that, but not one thousand years," I playfully chide, making him smirk. "Wait; you're dressed. How long have you been awake?"

"Never came back to bed after we uhm . . . I was having a lovely chat with Mum. She even made you tea, some carrot sticks and a grilled cheese sandwich, well, two sandwiches."


"Yes. She said she didn't want one of the twins to feel like their grandma is playing favourites." Harry and I laugh softly at that sentiment and I push myself to lean against the pillows by the headboard.

"I'm sure they'll have to learn how to share at some point."

"True, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

I hum in agreement, "Where are the sandwiches?"

"On your nightstand. That's where she told me she put the plate."

"I've got it. Thank you, Harry," I say, reaching over for a perfectly grilled diagonally sliced half and I take a bite. "Mm, this is so good and it's still warm. Want a bite?"

"No. It's yours."

"But I don't want you to go hungry."

"That won't happen because Mum made one for me, too. Only one since I'm not the one expecting twins," he playfully mocks, making me giggle. "You enjoy them, love. You need to keep your strength up."

"Alright, if I must," I jokingly say and take another bite. The gooey cheese pulls nicely as I set the sandwich back on the plate and I cover my mouth. "I don't remember you coming back to bed. Did you take a nap with me?"

"No, I was chatting with Mum. Did I tell you?"

"Ugh, yes, you did. I guess I forgot. This pregnancy brain is really something else."

"I know it's been a challenge for you, but just think you only have half the pregnancy left to worry about that."

His words hit me right between the eyes like a ton of bricks and the tears well in my eyes. I can't control the tears as my face screws up and my chin begins to quiver.

"Oh God, we don't have much time left to prepare. We need cribs a-and changing tables and oh God so many nappies! I don't have anything to base this on but I think boys go through more nappies than girls and I can't even explain why."

Cooing my name, Harry places his hands on my shoulders and soothes them, "Take a deep breath. There's no need to stress about any of that."

"Really? How come? Seems like a damn good reason to stress. Our babies won't have any nappies to poo in."

Harry snickers, quickly covering up his laugh, "There's no need to worry because Michal and Gemma said they're gonna pick up those things from the baby store next week and bring them here to Mum's. And since the babies won't arrive for several weeks, that's more than enough time for me to set everything up. It's going to be alright."

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