Chapter 53 • House Arrest

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I'm exhausted. I'm discouraged. I'm embarrassed from wetting myself in Michal and Gemma's car. And I'm completely famished. If I hadn't married into the kindest, most understanding family in the world, I don't know what Harry and I would've done earlier tonight.

For one, Harry would've been an even bigger mess not knowing what to do. It's a good thing Anne graciously opened up her home to us to stay so she could be there when I go into true labor, but now I can understand the reason for anything little that might come up. It'll be interesting to practically be roommates with my mother-in-law, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

As Michal pulls onto Anne's street, I look over at Harry and stroke the back of his hand with my thumb. He hasn't let go of my hand since we got back in the car from Dr. Tate's office so I know he's worried out of his mind. My loving gesture on his hand pulls him out of whatever funk he's in and he turns his head towards me and he smiles.

"I love you."

Those whispered three small words melt my heart and I watch the amber glow of the streetlights shining through the windows move across his face so it's dark inside the car again.

"I love you, and our twins love you."

A dimple pops in his left cheek, making him even more handsome, if that's at all possible. As quick as the dimple formed on his face, it disappears and his countenance morphs into worry.

"Are you in any pain right now o-or having those practice contractions?"

"Not right now. Believe me, you'll know when those happen again."

"I guess I knew that, but I was just making sure," he grins, squeezing my hand a tad.

Michal slows the car down and as he pulls the car to a stop in front of Anne's house, I reach out to hold my hand on the headrest for balance instead of using my stomach muscles to keep me upright. I haven't had a contraction in close to an hour and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Ah, we're here," Gemma says and I sigh in relief.

Harry and I wiggle our hands free and I start working at unbuckling my seatbelt. The relief from the tightness makes me exhale and Michal shuts the engine off.

"Do you need my help to get out, JJ?" Gemma asks and I hum in thought.

"Yes, please, because your car is slightly lower than my SUV. Not that I'm complaining, but I'd rather not stay out here until dawn."

"No worries, love," she looks back at me with a smile. "I'll be right there."

"And I'll come around for you, Harry."

My poor husband huffs out a quiet breath in response to Michal's statement, so I know he's got to feel helpless right now, especially after forgetting his white cane and not having Maggie with him. I can't imagine how he must feel as a man and I wonder if there's something I can do to turn this negative into a positive.

I notice Gemma waiting outside the window in my peripheral vision and I open the door. With my hands in hers, I step out and try to push myself out of the seat.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, m'fine, but I noticed that someone cleaned up my mess from earlier. I'm absolutely mortified I did that in your car and I'm so sorry."

"JJ, it honestly wasn't a problem. The seats are leather, and I had forgotten my gym towel in the trunk the other day so it was an easy clean up. It's okay, love. Please don't feel bad." It's all I can do not to cry right now, so I opt for a brave smile. Her reciprocated smile lets me know she understands and she embraces me in a hug. "C'mon, let's get inside. Mum said she was going to heat up some leftovers from dinner if anyone's hungry."

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