Chapter 12 • Save The Butter

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"The ambience of this restaurant is extremely posh, but the prices are somewhat affordable, which is surprising," JJ muses while I take a sip of my water. "They have a baby grand piano in the corner, but no one's playing it."

I smirk, swallowing the refreshing liquid and I my glass on the table, "The lack of piano music gave that last part away, love."

"You think you're so smart," she playfully scoffs with a pat to my shoulder, "Alright, enough teasing. What are you in the mood for? Fish? Steak? Pasta?"

"I'm in the mood for something light. What do they have in the seafood category?"

"Uhm, lemme find it on the menu . . . aha, here we go. They have salmon in mussel broth."

"Pass. I have enough muscles."

She sighs at my pun, "Bass filet with a parsnip purée."

"Purée? No. M'not a baby, thank you very much."

"But sometimes you act like one," she mutters under her breath.

"What was that, love?"

"I said and the last one is a crab risotto with lobster sauce."

"I'm not buying your fib, but sold!" I dramatically say as if I'm buying a car, making JJ giggle.

"Okay, funny man," she playfully chides, but I can tell she's smiling.

"What are you going to have? Are you feeling better enough to eat something?"

"Yeah, a little better. Here's the problem I'm having; nothing sounds good, but I'm hungry, but I also don't want to eat anything that will upset my stomach any further. Does that make any sense?"

"No, not really," I say with a straight face and she lightly bumps into my arm. "I'm kidding, love. If it makes sense to you, then it makes sense to me. I just wish I could do something."

"Thank you, Harry," she cups my cheek, gently turning me towards her and she pecks my lips.

I smack my lips together, savoring her cherry flavoured lip gloss and I hear her giggle. It might be the fact that I'm in love with my wife and we're on our honeymoon, but I just feel like I'm on top of the world and I don't think my life could get any better than it is right now.

"You look beautiful tonight," I smirk in her direction, waiting for her reaction.

"You think you're so funny, but really what you are is charming. And sweet. And kind. And extremely adorable."

"In a rugged, manly way, right?" I dare ask whilst she's cupping my cheek.

She giggles, "Yes, of course. And y'know, I must say, you look very handsome tonight. We did an extremely good job of coordinating our clothes. Your shirt matches one of the hues of blue in my dress. It's the little things in life that make me happy."

I lean into her arm, "And one big thing?"

She snorts, tapping me on my shoulder and I grin in victory. There's a light clinking on glass and I realize she's taking a drink of her ginger ale. While I wait for her to finish, I reach over and rest my hand on her thigh. I'm startled by a cool splash on my hand and I quickly realize it's the condensation dripping from her glass.

"Mm, I think our waiter is coming over. Do you want to order yours?"

"Yes, and thank you for asking," I proudly say, leaning in close to whisper. "What was it that I wanted again?"

She giggles, "The crab risotto."

"Ah, that's right. Thank you."

"Are you two ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?"

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