Chapter 79 • Impeccable Timing

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A/N: Apparently Wattpad won't let me post pics??? So the header pic is a collage of JJ wearing a bball cap, Harry in his sunnies at the airport in Japan and a random park bench with a pretty sunset. Wattpad can go eff itself lol

"Everyone buckled?"

"I am, thanks to JJ."

I smirk over at Harry, "All I did was guide your hand to the buckle. You clasped it."

"Still, you helped." His grin fades into a serious expression. "Are you buckled?"

"Yeah, but it's more difficult than the last time. I guess it's because I'm getting so huge."

"You have to remember that it's not you, peanut. It's my grandbabies who are growing inside your belly. They need the extra space."

I cordially smile at my dad in the reflection of the rear view mirror and I mouth a thank you. He's always defended and protected me on every issue especially my weight all throughout my life. His support means the world to me and it makes me grateful that my boys will have a wonderful man besides their father to look up to when they grow up.

As my dad drives out of the hospital exit and onto the street, I exhale a calming breath, more than ready to put emotional experience behind me. Staying in the hospital is rough enough for one night let alone four and it's something I'm determined to not let that happen again, except for when I go into labor.

Since Harry's gently caressing my right hand in his, I place my left hand protectively over my belly and my head lolls back to the head rest. My eyelids suddenly feel like cement blocks and I can't keep them open anymore. As I close my eyes, I feel my body sink more into the seat and it feels like everyone is very far away from me right now.

The sun's auburn rays casts a serene hue over the park and as Harry pushes the double pram, I look up at him and smile. I knew his suggestion of going for a leisurely family walk would be nice, but this is pure perfection. A warm breeze out of nowhere blows my hair in front of my face and I try to shake it away.

"Babe, can you help me, please?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure, baby. One sec," Harry attentively says, stopping us from walking on the pathway and I feel his fingers gently brush my hair out of my face. I open my eyes to his and his worried expression eases as he watches my reaction. "Better?"

"Mhm. Much. Thank you. It's a lovely day to have a walkie in the park, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is and it's quite possibly the reason why I suggested it."

I playfully scoff, "Ha, oh is that so, Mr. Styles?"

"Yes, it is, Mrs. Styles. Care to sit for a while?"

"God, yes, my feet are so achy."

"Aw, I'm sorry, love. I promise I'll give them a nice massage when we get home. In the meantime, how about we rest on that lovely little bench under that tree over there?"

I glance to where he's pointing and smile, "Good choice, love. Let's get over there before someone else takes it."

Harry smirks, creating one dimple in his left cheek that sends my heart racing and we start walking again. The faint laughter from the children playing on the playground equipment and the melodic sounds of the city of London make for the perfect background noise for our family time together.

"Alright, here we go. Wait a second, there's some dirt on the seat. Lemme get that for you," Harry says, brushing it off onto the ground. "At least I hope it's dirt."

"Ha! Me, too."

While I take a seat, Harry positions the pram facing us and steps on the brakes to secure it before sitting next to me. "There we go- oh would you look at that, love."

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