The Siren's Song Begun

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"Kurosawa-kun!" Ashido came bursting in followed by the girls, too excited to wait.

"No, please, syrup queen, come right in," Izuku rolled his eyes, continuing on with the song he was playing on his guitar. A few flushed at seeing him without a shirt, and the extent of his scars across his chest.

Jiro was interested in both song and guitar. "What were you playing?"

"...If I Killed Someone For You." He looked away a little sheepishly at the song title.

"Play for us," Uraraka pleaded, to general agreement.

"Alright, alright," he laughed and began to play, surprising him when he began to sing as well.

"Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you? Would you hold my hands, they're the same ones that I used. When I killed someone for you~"

The sound brought Todoroki out from his room, and he stood in the door unnoticed, watching the green haired boy with a strange expression.

"Would you turn me in, when they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when, my face is on the news, 'cause I killed someone for you~, yeah."

The girls applauded and Yaoyorozu asked, "Do you know anything else? You're really good!"

"Uh," he glanced at his laptop on the nightstand, where Mizuki was resting on top of. "Not sure if I have any you girls would know... why don't you go through the list and pick one. I need some  harmony."

"You have the Yandere Song on here?" Jiro raised an eyebrow at him. He shrugged, not caring very much if she thought him weird.

"It's my sister's playlist, training does not stop even when I'm in school," he rolled his eyes, plucking a few strings.

"You're training?" Asui questioned.

"My sister's idea, it actually helps lung capacity when you're singing on key while doing gymnastics. Means I won't run out of breath in a normal fight."

"Oooo, this one! Kurosawa-kun, play Animal for us!" Ashido broke in, having picked a song.

"Testing my range, are you? Sure." He started to play, drawing out the intro a little. "Here we go again, I feel the chemicals kickin in. It's gettin' heavier, an' I wanna run and hide, I wanna run and hide. I do it every time, ohhh you're killin' me now! And I won't be denied by you- The animal inside of you! Oh, oh I want some more~ Oh, oh What are you waitin' for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh What are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for?!~"

Todoroki was more than a little impressed, Izuku obviously put his all into everything he did. He looked down at his left hand, remembering what he had been told. Would it be possible for him to become a better hero than his father? His attention was sharply drawn back to the group of girls as Ashido spoke.

"Kurosawa-kun, do you have a girlfriend?" Izuku chuckled a bit.

"There's not a lot of dating opportunities for a villain, unless you care to date within the League. The only girl other than my sister is a girl called Toga, and she thinks her crushes look best covered in blood. So she's out. And none of the guys are anything close to a catch. Course, most of the league have something mental going on, so not surprising they're not dating material." 

"So you're not straight? You said you'd consider guys." Ashido was hanging onto his every word, begging for a new ship.

"I wouldn't say no right away, at least," he grinned. "He'd have to be cute, kind-"

"So no to a certain angry pomeranian?" Ashido blinked and pulled back a bit at the cool look he gave her.

"Most certainly not."

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