An Overheard Conversation

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Aizawa had been watching Izuku through camera robots, and sighed at the ease with which the green haired boy captured his students. He saw him stop to talk to Todoroki, and frowned at the confused look on the hero-student's face. It wasn't long until the last few groups had been captured and the students gathered back up, once all of them had been found. Izuku disappeared during lunch, and Aizawa went looking for him, finding him on the roof with his lunch and a cell phone.

"How are you doing, little one," he heard Achlys ask, "have you been having nightmares?"

"Yeah," he heard the boy reply, "it was a good idea to hide soundproofing under the posters, plus I'm on the fifth floor at the end, so I don't think anyone could hear me."

"Is the CD I sent with not helping at all?" Aizawa was as concerned as she was. The boy had nightmares?

"A little, but it's not much compared to your voice. It's certainly not helping that Bakugo isn't letting go. He keeps calling me Deku and every time, it brings back the worst of what he did to me..." Aizawa automatically went to reach for the boy, to comfort him. His voice was so full of fear and pain.

"I'm sorry, little one. I wish there were more I could do to help. But Yamada hasn't chosen to go to the mall yet and drag Aizawa with him. I can't come any time before that. Has he attacked you?"

"Once or twice. But he hasn't laid a hand on me, so I'm okay. He seems confused, too, I know he heard me tell the backstory this morning in the kitchen. But.. I know he knows I hate him, and that's what's making his conviction so strong."

"You're doing well. What about All Might?"

Izuku shifted a bit, and Aizawa saw his phone was balanced on top of Mizuki, who climbed to his shoulder at a guesture. "We haven't had him for a teacher yet, Aizawa apparently runs a non-traditional classroom, but I don't know. I can't avoid him, but I don't know if I can even look at him."

"There's every chance he'll avoid you out of shame. He knows he was the death of you before. How's your supply of medication? Is Recovery Girl giving them to you per my instructions?"

Izuku picked up a small cup with a few pills in it and rattled it near the mic. "I've got them here. I've got lunch as well. Do you think you could have given any more for my lunch account? Lunch Rush was nearly tripping over himself to make me anything I wanted."

"I merely wanted to make sure you didn't have to worry about buying any food. Is this a bad time to tell you there's a debit card taped to the back of your guitar with 2 million on it? That one's for emergencies."


"There's another one in three of your books, too." Aizawa could hear her laughter. "I heard one of your classmates was rich, and well, I'm not about to let my little brother be outdone by a wannabe hero."

"Oh my gods, let me eat my lunch in peace, you mad woman." He hung up and began to devour his food.

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