The Truth At Last

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"Kurosawa-sensei, can you help me with this?" Kaminari was having trouble with his mathematics, and Ectoplasm wasn't slowing down anytime soon.

"Sure, let's see..." she leaned down next to him and in a soft voice walked him through the problem, pointing out where he had gone wrong. "You were close, but just a bit too early with this step."

Over the course of the day, each of the teachers concluded she was suited to the role, never trashing a student for not understanding the material and gave each a new way to look at their problem.

"Alright, there's just a few minutes left of school, so I want to say this," Hayami told the class, "I will be available for an hour or two after school every day if you need help with homework."

Hayami and Izuku almost immediately disappeared and Todoroki found them on the roof a few hours later, the boy asleep leaning against her. "Hello, Kurosawa-sensei," he greeted her, hestitating.

"Come sit down, Todoroki-kun," she smiled, running her fingers through Izuku's green hair. He did, and listened to her singing softly to him.

"I don't think he's ever looked so peaceful," he said sadly, "I wish I could make him feel that way."

"Don't feel bad, you just might one day."

"Why does he have such nightmares? And do you know why he hates Bakugo so much?"

"I do," she spoke slowly, "but I can only say he's to Izu what your father is to you."

"But they've never met before.. have they?" Todoroki remembered Bakugo's insistance that Izuku's last name was Midoriya, calling him Deku and useless nerd, which Izuku clearly hated.

"Hey, wake up," she gently shook Izuku, who grumbled and looked up at her, "it's time to talk to Todoroki, little one." 

"Okay," he yawned for a long moment, "The truth is, Kurosawa wasn't the name I was born with-"

"Bakugo's right?!" He nodded.

"We grew up together, but he changed when he manifested his quirk, and I didn't. He bullied me up until middle school. But despite not having any quirks, I still wanted to be a hero. Did you see the news of the sludge villain attack on him?" Todoroki nodded. "Well, not long before it attacked him, it attacked me. All Might saved me and when I asked him if I could be a hero without a quirk, he told me no. But the one thing he said that stuck with me.. was that life wasn't fair sometimes. He left and I wandered around, and happened on the attack on him. We made eye contact, but I knew I couldn't do anything, so I walked away. After he was saved he gave me hell, and.. well, he said I should pray for a quirk in my next life and take a swan dive off the roof."

"But I looked up Midoriya Izuku, he was found dead in front of a middle school, how can you still be here?"

Hayami spoke up now, "My sight led me to the middle school, and I saved him. After I heard what he'd been through, I decided to kill 'Midoryia Izuku' and so 'Kurosawa Izuku' was born. It helps that his quirks changed his physical appearance," she ruffled his hair.

"So that's why you hate both Bakugo and All Might. He tortured you, and he crushed your dreams."

"So I became a villain."

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